not so yummy mummy

Iv been on here for a few years but always seem to lose motivation, iv always been over weight and in the past have gone from 258lb down to 222 lb but over the past 3 years the weights crept back up and i'm currently weighing in at 249! I need to change and get myself fit and healthy for my little family my two year old could out run an Olympian and i want to make sure im always there to catch him! im guna get some better pics up of how im looking now so i can truely see my progress, any help and support will be appreciated as anyone starting on this road needs :)


  • jntokun10
    You can do it, you just have to wake up everyday telling yourself the end result is worth it and that its NOT a diet, its a life change that you have to adapt and accept... some people can eat whatever they want whenever they want, the rest of the human population has to watch almost every morsel especially if they don't work out regularly! Hang in there
  • hopsywopsy
    I've sent you a friend request. I have a little one too, and having lost 9lbs feel I am on the road to yummy mumminess :-)