Since i've been on this journey of trying to eat better my kids see everything that i do and notice what i've been eating. The typical snack for my kids are chips and a drink. Well, the other day my kids saw me eating some dried mango and they were querious so i let them try it........"wow this is good!" they said. "this is healthy for you?" one asked me. Yup sure is. and now they wanna eat all the health food and snacks i buy! It's great! I hope they can learn a little something from me and learn the proper way to eat. :happy:


  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    That's great! Maybe you will be albe to phase the junk out of their diet, and use it as a every once in a while thing.
  • wks7777
    wks7777 Posts: 230
    thats great! healthy eating habits at a young age is SOOO important! Im crazy about it with my kids. Part of the reason i have such a hard time with my weight now is becuz when i was young i ate so horribly(my mom eats horrible she is super picky) and due to fast metabolism i didnt gain weight but NOW it hit me so its def a lifestyle change but if u start ur kids off right then they wont have these issues!My 3 year old loves salad! He ate a nice serving of spinach salad tonite that was the first thing he ate as a choice i would have never at that age! He loves celery and carrots and apples its such a relief, if i can just get my littlest to eat all that we will be in good shape lol!
  • metalpalace
    That's wonderful! I wish more parents would take on a more active role with their kids in an area that will benefit them for the rest of their lives.
  • nat1908
    Yeah that is so true, kids eating healthy these days is rare. Seeing all these strories of obese kids is CRAZY!
  • akb2006
    akb2006 Posts: 198 Member
    Thats wonderful! My daughter is my biggest inspiration probably for eating & getting healthier. I don't want her to grow up eating the same way I did. Can you believe that my parents NEVER EVER had us drink milk or water. All we drank was pop and koolaid. I don't think fruit or veggies came into our diets in a regular basis either. My daughter is almost 2 and so far she doesn't like cake or a lot of the junk foods. She reaches for the fresh fruit and veggies. Kids do learn by exxample keep up the good work!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I remember when my kids were little maybe 4,6,8 at the time.

    We sat down at the park with 2 other families and spread out our snacks.

    Each group of kids looked at the others food and said........that is your snack???

    one group had potato chips and kool aid

    one group had carrots, apples and apple juice

    one group had sweet cakes and coke

    No one wanted the others food.......and that includes the carrot kids. They made yucky faces at the other junk and ate their yummy apples....when mom pulled out the peanut butter the cake kids were seriously jealous!!!!

    My point? Kids will eat and love what you teach them to eat and love. My friend used to have her kids help her make hummus, peanut butter..........even veggie soup. When the kids ate it they were a PART of it!!

    Good luck, and have a great day!!!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Thats wonderful! My daughter is my biggest inspiration probably for eating & getting healthier. I don't want her to grow up eating the same way I did. Can you believe that my parents NEVER EVER had us drink milk or water. All we drank was pop and koolaid. I don't think fruit or veggies came into our diets in a regular basis either. My daughter is almost 2 and so far she doesn't like cake or a lot of the junk foods. She reaches for the fresh fruit and veggies. Kids do learn by exxample keep up the good work!

    I say YEAH for you! I wish I had been better about this. But alas, I have only this moment and they see me makign healthier choices now