Anyone else very frustrated?



  • Restybaby2012
    Restybaby2012 Posts: 568 Member
    It IS frustrating and hard to lose weight and workout when you have real physical issues to deal with. Ive got a body full of titanium in the form of pins, plates, screws, joints and rods. Ive had 28+ major surgeries over the years to find fix and repair things. My backs been broken 2 different times in 4 different places, my necks been fractured, knees and shoulders replaced and repaired along with torn rotators in both arms, ankles each broken 3 times. Ive been in a couple severe car resulted in the fractured neck--that was most recent. Another involved a deer coming thru the passenger window of the car I was a passenger in and demolishing my right arm, hand, wrist and shoulder as well as collar bone et al.

    Walking any distance is extremely painful. Laying flat, belly or back in outta the question. Bending much or often is null. Lifting from the ground up is null. Lifting heavy is not happening. SEE where Im at?

    My recourse? Losing the weight by watching calories--close....watching the carbs even closer because ...of course, Im type 2 diabetic which makes it even more important I now get this weight off.

    My workouts have built from 5 minutes a day to 40 minutes a day/night. 3 weeks ago I couldnt lift more than a 3 lb dumbbell with my right hand (Im lefthanded) to now lifting 8 lbs. I spend 5 minutes "warming up" and 5 minutes "cooling down"....the other 30 is split between sitting and standing and tossing those dumbbells almost as fast as I can to get my heart rate up a little and keep going. While standing with dumbbells in each hand I do several different things with my legs and feet, stretching and twisting at the waist, bending as much as Im allowed...ALL while jockeying the weights of the dumbbells. It's a form of circuit training I guess. I dont stop between changing the motion / curls etc. Id like to build to an hour and then slowly increase the weights of the dumbbells.

    I realize this isnt much compared to most of you....but it IS for me and others like me who have artificial joints etc. I have to believe it is burning calories with the constant movement, the weights, and an increased heart rate.

    Ive lost 50 pounds in 50's working for me.

    I wish everyone great success........and KEEP MOVING
  • BrownEyedGrrl
    Wow! Thanx for the encouragement and various ideas for keeping active. Actually brought a tear to my eye hearing people's stories and how they stay positive. There are a lot of amazing people on here who have been through a hell of a lot more than I have.
    Yeah I've got my injuries ( for those who asked: car accident screwed up the whole left side of my body. Finally getting an mri to find out what is wrong with my neck, hip and knee. Meniscus is probably torn in one of my knees. Also have spondylolisthesis in my back and something wrong with one of my feet. Whole body seems to usually be in some kind of pain, not sure if it's arthritis or what) but I should be thankful for all the parts of me that are not injured. Your stories are inspiring and I wish you all the best, whether it's a speedy recovery or dealing with your chronic illnesses/injuries.
    On a day like today I need to tell myself to suck it up. Positive thinking is a must and I cannot let my depression, anxiety or injuries bring me down. Definitely going to keep looking for new ways to exercise and try some suggested here. Must remember even if I can only do a little bit it is better than nothing. One of my favorite quotes, though I seem to have forgotten it lately:
    "Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do." ~ John Wooden