
Anyone else find that they either grossly overeat or under eat during the weekend?
Take this weekend (my weekend) for example, I was clocking in at least200 cals below what i should be having without doing the exercise. I find that I have no motivation or real need to eat (or I slept in until 1pm and I don't want to eat dinner to late). What should I do? I don't want to send my body into starvation mode and I don't want to overeat either.


  • AmyBoogie
    AmyBoogie Posts: 91 Member
    You don't want to have massive meals to make up for it either.

    Sleeping in sounds awesome but is there any way you can wake up and have a 200cal snack and then take a nap?

    There are people that cycle so that may work for you. I'm not sure entirely how it works except that some days are under cals and other days over.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,245 Member
    Eating under your calorie goal to make up for over eating may not be the ideal way to do it, but you're not going to go into "starvation mode" by doing that a couple days a week. Do what works for you, don't undereat if you don't have to, but the fabled starvation mode doesn't work like that.
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    First, it's not that big a deal to be under a few hundred calories.

    Second, it is easy to eat a few hundred calories. Have a handful of almonds or a few dates. A glass of whole milk is almost that much. Have half a cup of ice cream or a slice of buttered toast.