Food Accountablity

I am an emotional eater. I do great all day but then at the end of the day, I want my ice cream and glass of wine!! My husband doesn't help matters as he enables me. He works weekends so the weekends are generally veg out! I work out like crazy doing boot camp three days a week and zumba four to five days a week. I need something or someone to help hold me accountable with my eating. I am ruining all the work I put in the gym!! I try not to by the junk, but there are times when my husband will come home with two or three boxes of little debbie!! I have tried to get him to do this with me but he won't. I am torn and just need someone to check in and see how I am doing and want to know what I am eating.

I will post for a few days in my journal here but then it becomes too much to add all the ingredients in the foods that I am eating. For example, I like to drink smoothies and it takes four or five didn't items to enter to get the calories from that one meal. Any or suggestions are GREATLY appreciated!!!


  • mensasu
    mensasu Posts: 355 Member
    For your smoothies, if you do the same ones over and over again, then enter them once as a "recipe". Or if most is common enter that as a recipe and just "add" the missing ingredients when you log.

    If you can read master your metabolism by Jillian Michaels. Reading her story was an eye opener for me.
  • TinGirl314
    TinGirl314 Posts: 430 Member
    I'm an emotional eater myself...I want my Ben and Jerry's ...

    So I found some little ben and's around 200 calories instead of settling down with a pint.
    As for alcohol, I had to cut it out completely....If I drank I wouldn't have enough calories left to get what I need in a day (High protein :))

    As for your husband, tell him he can have the little debbie's but you don't want them in the kitchen. I mean he's you're hubby, he should be supporting you. :)

    Now...if you work it out...and you EARN those wine calories and little Debbie snacks, I mean they aren't GREAT but if you HAVE to have them I find it's the best way to go. It's all about willpower, and building willpower SUCKS, but so worth it. :)
    Honestly...I don't get the cravings as bad anymore...I think once you start to weed the little things out your body just moves on.

    Not that there's anything wrong with ANYTHING in moderation (Least that's my philosophy.)
    If you want to start small...I'd say try to drink you're wine every other day, work it down to three nights a week, ect.

    But that's only if you want to, because if you don't it won't work. <3
    If you need a buddy, feel free to add me. :)
  • musenchild
    musenchild Posts: 182 Member
    I sit around and eat in the evenings, it's a habit I am not ready to break (one thing at a time!) so I save up my calories for the evening. I find it easy to eat a low-calorie breakfast and lunch, be pretty good about dinner, and then save up a good chunk for the evening.

    To space out my snacking when I just need to keep my mouth busy flavored herbal tea is the best! No calories, but it gives me the same satisfaction as mindless snacking. If I find I still can't keep my mind off of the unhealthy snacks in the house, I try snacking on something healthy first. Carrot sticks are a favorite for crunch and sweetness. If I STILL want the ice cream, I will allow myself ONE reasonable portion.

    Some people have to cut things out entirely, and some can just cut back. Find what works for you.
  • laurie62ann
    laurie62ann Posts: 433 Member
    A couple of things that have helped me from "cheating" at night with my family. Drink lots of water, chew gum so you won't be able to put anything else in your mouth, and I eat alot of frozen grapes!! There will be alot of temping times in your journey, not just your home. So find ways to work around them. Good Luck! :flowerforyou:
  • ullgetthere
    I have been there!! But what helps me is going on the computer at night and taping the TV shows I love so that I can concentrate on that. Also, I go on the forums here so it keeps me busy. I started drinking decaf coffee, so it fills me up and keeps my mouth busy. However, it does happen that once in a while I am soooooo hungry in the evenings so I just go for it. I try not to make it every night. Look for small individual portions of your favorite snack!