Any peer-reviewed, objective evidence for "starvation mode"?



  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    It's a misnomer for a host of side effects of heavy calorie restriction. Starvation 'Mode' doesn't exist perse, and is more of a general term to describe physiological changes that happen as a result of extended periods of high calorie restriction.

    And to anyone that mentions African children; you can gain weight being in starvation mode in Western civilisation because there are periods of abundance when your slowed metabolism can store more of what you're eating because it's burning less. There aren't very many (any) periods of abundance for these children.
  • Hendrix7
    Hendrix7 Posts: 1,903 Member

    Good post will read later. (doubt many other people will though i'm afraid!)
    Just Google "Starvation mode myth

    thats not research.
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member

    IDK, lots of people have lots of opinions on everything. God, for example. Atheists say "show me proof that God exists". Believers say "show me proof God does not exist". There are no peer-reviewed studies either way.

    There is a big difference between studying and proving a scientific theory that can be observed and tested, and studying the existence of god, for which there is no scientific basis for belief. You can't compare science and faith that way.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Long term calorie restriction has an impact on metabolic function...

    Physiol Behav. 2008 Aug 6;94(5):643-8. Epub 2008 Apr 18.
    Effect of caloric restriction in non-obese humans on physiological, psychological and behavioral outcomes.
    Redman LM, Martin CK, Williamson DA, Ravussin E.
    SourcePennington Biomedical Research Center, 6400 Perkins Road, Baton Rouge, LA 70808, USA.

    The focus of this review is on current research involving long-term calorie restriction (CR) and the resulting changes observed in physiological and behavioral outcomes in humans. Special emphasis will be given to the first completed clinical studies which are currently investigating the effects of controlled, high-quality energy-restricted diets on both biomarkers of longevity and on the development of chronic diseases related to age in humans. Prolonged CR has been shown to extend both the median and maximal lifespans in a variety of lower species such as yeast, worms, fish, rats, and mice. Mechanisms of this CR-mediated lifespan extension are not fully elucidated, but possibly involve significant alterations in energy metabolism, oxidative damage, insulin sensitivity, and functional changes in both the neuroendocrine and sympathetic nervous systems. In this brief report, we review some of the major physiological, psychological and behavioral changes after 6 months of CR in overweight otherwise healthy volunteers. Ongoing studies of prolonged CR in humans are now making it possible to analyze changes in "biomarkers of longevity" to unravel some of the mechanisms of its anti-aging phenomenon. With the incremental expansion of research endeavors in the area of energy or calorie restriction, data on the effects of CR in animal models and human subjects are becoming more accessible. Detailed analyses from controlled human trials involving long-term CR will allow investigators to link observed alterations from body composition down to changes in molecular pathways and gene expression, with their possible effects on the biomarkers of aging.
    Indeed, CR is associated with a robust decrease in energy metabolism, including a lowering of resting metabolic rate (RMR or sleeping metabolic rate), lowering of the thermic effect of meals, and a decrease in the energy cost of physical activity. However, as mentioned earlier, whether total energy expenditure is reduced beyond the expected level (i.e., metabolic adaptation) for the reduction in the metabolizing mass (fat-free and fat mass) following CR is debated.

    As expected, absolute 24-h energy expenditure and sleeping metabolic rate (both measured in a respiratory chamber) were significantly reduced from baseline with CR (p<0.001). Importantly, however, both 24-h sedentary and sleeping energy expenditures were reduced ~6% beyond what was expected for the loss of metabolic mass (i.e., fat-free and fat mass) (31). This metabolic adaptation was also observed for RMR measured by a ventilated hood indirect calorimeter (51). These physiological responses were associated with a reduced amount of oxidative stress as measured by DNA damage. DNA damage was reduced from baseline after 6 months in CR (p=0.0005), but not in controls (31). In addition 8-oxo7,8-dihidro-2′deoxyguanosine was also significantly reduced from baseline in CR (p<0.0001). These data confirm findings in animals that CR reduces energy metabolism and oxidative stress to DNA, both potentially attenuating the aging process.

    Starvation mode is not a myth - it is poorly used by many but it is a quite well documented effect of CR. Long term calorie reduction has some effect on metabolic efficiency down to the mitochodrial level.

    pubmed is your friend.

    (Articles cited are peer reviewed, reference publications.)

    If you are looking on data for obese people - search and you shall find ... ;)
    Int J Obes (Lond). 2012 Jul 31. doi: 10.1038/ijo.2012.124. [Epub ahead of print]
    Adaptive thermogenesis can make a difference in the ability of obese individuals to lose body weight.
    Tremblay A, Royer MM, Chaput JP, Doucet E.
    SourceDepartment of Kinesiology, PEPS, Laval University, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada.

    The decrease in energy expenditure that occurs during weight loss is a process that attenuates over time the impact of a restrictive diet on energy balance up to a point beyond which no further weight loss seems to be possible. For some health professionals, such a diminished energy expenditure is the normal consequence of a progressive decrease in the motivation to exercise over the course of a weight-reducing program. Another explanation of decreased energy needs during weight loss is the decrease in body energy stores (that is, fat mass and muscle mass) and its related obligatory costs of living. Many studies have also documented the existence of adaptive thermogenesis in the context of weight loss, which represents a greater-than-predicted decrease in energy expenditure. In this paper, we pursue the analysis of this phenomenon by demonstrating that an adaptive decrease in thermogenesis can have a major role in the occurrence of resistance to further lose fat in weight-reduced obese individuals. Evidence is also presented to support the idea of greater hunger sensations in individuals displaying more pronounced thermogenic changes. Finally, as the decrease in thermogenesis persists over time, it is also likely associated with a greater predisposition to body-weight regain after weight loss. Globally, these observations suggest that the adaptive reduction in thermogenesis that accompanies a prolonged negative energy balance is a major determinant of the ability to spontaneously lose body fat.International Journal of Obesity advance online publication, 31 July 2012; doi:10.1038/ijo.2012.124.
  • Hellavaloosa
  • tami101
    tami101 Posts: 617 Member
    bump for later when I read
  • getyourbeans
    getyourbeans Posts: 80 Member
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    Eating too few calories is bad for the body, starvation is bad for the body. No one is going to dispute that. However, starvation causes people to lose fat, to lose weight, to get too skinny. When the body fat gets very low it causes hormonal problems, and females will stop menstruating. Starvation does not cause people to get fat. That is science and common sense. There are plenty of starving people in this world, unfortunately.

    I like "Eat More To Weigh Less" because it contains a lot of important truths and nourishment is of extreme importance to health. Not eating enough is not healthy or enjoyable and it's not necessary. But, starvation means losing fat, not getting fat. You don't need to twist that reality in order to support a healthy weight loss plan. There are a lot of horrendous consequences of starvation, and getting fat is not one of them. And people who have starved can regain muscle and weight and become healthy again (and they do not get fat). It happens all the time. If the starvation was long, they will have long term internal damage from it. If it was short, they may just be fine. The human body is incredibly resilient.

    I make sure I eat 1800 to 2300 calories (and I am very petite) because I don't want to lose weight. I am active and I have a fast metabolism. If I don't eat enough, I lose weight. That's reality.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    OP: what do you mean by starvation mode? The term is generally misunderstood and mis-used. It can mean anything from suppressed metabolism to losing LBM in excess of what you would under a smaller calorie restriction. There are many studies that shows you do lose LBM at BF% far in excess of those touted by the people who quote the misinterpreted study indicating that you do not at less than 5% for a man (some of which have been linked here by others). There are studies that also show that you can decrease your BMR over and above that which you would decrease it by just the weight loss. These studies are a little less compelling imo as there are not that many.

    If you mean by 'starvation mode' you no longer will lose weight (water retention aside) - I do not think that you will find one.
  • anemoneprose
    anemoneprose Posts: 1,805 Member
    From a motivational POV, it's a nightmare. I remember reading about an older study in which subjects fixated on food in both the short and long term. One subject's satiety levels got totally messed up and would not stop eating once released.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    I wonder what it means that no one has offered up a link to peer-reviewed information when a lot of people have an opinion about it?

    I don't think you're going to find anything showing metabolic reductions beyond a couple of hundred calories a day / 10-15%. I've never seen BMR results below 1000 calories a day reported.

    Most obesity research uses VLC diets to achieve statistically significant weight loss in a fairly short period, so you'll find heaps of studies with folks on 800 calorie or less complete nutrition diets that clock up weight loss that keeps going. refers to a peer reviewed paper of a Scotsman referred to as "Mr AB" who didn't eat for a year and lost a lot of weight, then kept his reduced weight. Can't find a link to the paper but I have read it.
  • tysonian
    The Cambridge study is too literal for me, I don't think metabolic change during fasting applies in this context (I don't doubt there's a serious metabolic change in this condition", I'm referring to "starvation mode" in the more colloquial sense like, "OMG, you're totally not loosing weight because you're eating 1600 calories instead of 1800 calories and your body is entering starvation mode!" The AJCN "Effects of exercise[...]" has some great information but their control is exercise as opposed to caloric intake, while net calories might come in to play it's not exactly what I'm looking for. I appreciate the information, I will scroll through the other articles.
  • tysonian
    Search adaptive thermogenesis, which is the scientific name for "starvation mode."

    By the way, for people citing starving kids in Africa being skin and bones, starvation occurs in stages. "Starvation mode" is the body slowing down that process, not stopping it completely. Sure, you will eventually start losing weight again, but the results are not pretty.

    Excellent, thank you!
  • tysonian
    I've seen the starvation mode thing associated with two different behaviors on this site. One is just chronically undereating, but the other thing some people get uptight over, that makes people throw that phrase around, is when people go several hours without eating instead of spacing meals just a few hours apart.

    For example, I don't eat when I wake up, I usually don't eat for 3-6 hours after I wake up. My Dr tried to tell me this was not advised bc I'll go into starvation mode and I need to jump start my metabolism in the morning. I call BS but, the information out there isn't very solid.

    I'm more likely to believe that chronic undereating effects metabolism long term, than I am to believe that humans can't go without eating for half a day without negatively effecting metabolism. THAT is the theory I'd like to see some legitimate studies on, the "oh you have to eat breakfast!" theory.

    Me too, that's what I'm looking for.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    BTW, whose peers? :wink:

    You probably are joking about this but in academic communities "peer reviewed" information means that is has been evaluated rigorously by qualified/expert individuals. It's of the utmost importance in the research process.

    I wonder what it means that no one has offered up a link to peer-reviewed information when a lot of people have an opinion about it?

    I do know what it means, and yes I was joking :)

    It might mean no one has studied it. You know, kind of like when MDs poo-poo eastern or alternative medicine (herbs, homeopathy, etc. that have been used successfully for thousands of years) bc no one has "studied" it. Of course "no one" has studied it. Who does such studies? Pharmaceutical companies. Why would a pharm company sponsor a study on an herb that people have used for thousands of years? They wouldn't bc they can't make any money from proving that it works. They only do studies on meds they have developed, and they often keep certain parts of those studies as quiet as possible.

    Not exactly the same, but drug companies and over-prescribing MDs are some of my biggest pet-peeves.

    IDK, lots of people have lots of opinions on everything. God, for example. Atheists say "show me proof that God exists". Believers say "show me proof God does not exist". There are no peer-reviewed studies either way.

    A little correction, homeopathy has not been around for "thousands of years" Homeopathy was started by Samuel Hahnemann (1755 - 1843) . Many homeopathic "remedies" have been subjected to clinical trials and have failed miserably. The mere notion that a medicine becomes more effective as a result of incredible dilution is, at best, laughable.

    Back to the OP.....I'm with you, I'd love to see any scientific evidence to support starvation mode as it is presented and thought of in weight loss circles. One gets the impression that your metabolism is subject to wild and sudden variations and that it needs jump starting etc........seeming very unscientific notions.
  • bushidowoman
    bushidowoman Posts: 1,599 Member
    A lot to digest here--thank you!
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    I've seen the starvation mode thing associated with two different behaviors on this site. One is just chronically undereating, but the other thing some people get uptight over, that makes people throw that phrase around, is when people go several hours without eating instead of spacing meals just a few hours apart.

    For example, I don't eat when I wake up, I usually don't eat for 3-6 hours after I wake up. My Dr tried to tell me this was not advised bc I'll go into starvation mode and I need to jump start my metabolism in the morning. I call BS but, the information out there isn't very solid.

    I'm more likely to believe that chronic undereating effects metabolism long term, than I am to believe that humans can't go without eating for half a day without negatively effecting metabolism. THAT is the theory I'd like to see some legitimate studies on, the "oh you have to eat breakfast!" theory.

    Me too, that's what I'm looking for.

    I don't know if this will help you or not, but it will lead you towards the sources you are looking for. The science says you do not need to worry about meal frequency.
  • vodkoffee
    vodkoffee Posts: 160 Member
    Bump for later.
  • sheribrasington
    I have put on a LOT of weight due to surgery and accidents I have had. I have had friends delete me from MFP because of my calorie intake, I eat, but most days no where near what the calorie intake is suppose to be. If I ate that much my weight would climb. I know the only way to get my weight off is to eat smaller amounts of healthy food and many days only 2 times. I do not feel starved. When I am hungry I eat. I think to each his own, everyones body is different. People have to do what is best for them. Glad to see this post!:drinker: :drinker:
  • NessaTesla
    NessaTesla Posts: 6 Member
    I'm not sure if this was posted already, or if this is what you're looking for, but I've read several articles about an obese man who ate nothing* for a year, and lived, and was fine.

    Here's one:

    *The short version, if you don't feel like reading the article, is that a very obese man, under the vigilant watch of doctors, ate no food for an entire year. He was given very strong vitamins for his heart health and whatnot, but he didn't eat any physical food. Five years later, he had only gained a tiny proportion back.

    Now, the article isn't suggesting everyone should do this, or that it isn't dangerous, it details some of the issues you can have not while fasting, but while breaking the fast. I wouldn't recommend anyone do what the man did, but I pretty much think the 1200 rule is bull****. I regularly eat under 1200 and feel fine. I say, eat when you're hungry, and don't panic when you're not.