PCOSer needing meal/snack plan advice

I was recently diagnosed with PCOS a couple months ago. I am taking metformin and have lost a total of about 14 lbs from my highest weight. I know the basics of what I should be eating (low carb and fat, high protein.) But I would like to hear what other PCOS ladies are eating that works for them. I got a little depressed a couple weeks ago because one of my main motivators for losing the weight is to get pregnant again ( I have 2 girls and had a miscarriage at the start of the summer) but changes in my husband's job has put those plans on hold for a little while. Since then I've not been eating well (way too many carbs and fat!) but I feel horrible afterwards and now I'm tired of feeling this way and need a new plan. I work full time and have so much other stuff going on outside of work that I need quick, easy options. We end up eating out a lot and I have a hard time finding even decent stuff to eat, it's either terrible for me or tastes terrible. What do you other PCOS ladies eat and if you do eat out where and what do you eat?


  • ginnylee74
    ginnylee74 Posts: 398 Member
    I don't have PCOS but I am Hypo and have to be very aware of what I eat. There is a sight that has so many items on it that I'm sure you can find some ideas. It also breaks down the Macros as well as the calories. (See below)


    Wishing you well and success on your journey:drinker: .

  • lovethyneighbor
    lovethyneighbor Posts: 305 Member
    My husband and I tried for several years to conceive. I talked to my (old fashioned) doctor and he refused to run test or try anything other than letting my body figure out on it's own what it wanted to do. So...I changed doctors! I love my doctor that I have now, and am very grateful to her for running the test that I needed to find out what was wrong. She diagnosed me with PCOS. She put me on Metformin as well. We had a heart to heart and knowing that my goal to get pregnant was my motivation to lose weight. I devoted myself to working out 3 days a week at the gym for 1-2 hours and at home I walked and/or did aerobic workouts via TV. While at the gym I started having a miscarriage which ended up being an all day process. I had no idea that I was pregnant until I went to the ER, and they said there was nothing I could have done different in my everyday life to change the outcome. Even though I would never wish anything like that on anyone, it was a good thing for my husband and I b/c we had lost all hope in getting pregnant. This was a sign that my body was functioning and that I needed to keep trying. It was scary trying to go back to the gym. For the longest all I could think of is that horrible day. I still do and that was 4 years ago and we have a beautiful 3 year old son now. I am also now pregnant with our 2nd child (a girl) and I still get scared to go to the gym.

    Like you, when diagnosed I changed my way of eating. Low carb, more protein. That meant a lot less eating out at fast food places, and more healthier options at home. Fortunately, I love to cook. Their are a ton of ways to make a great tasting salad. Do I eat them everyday, or even every week? Absolutely not. But it's an option for those nights I don't really want to cook. My mornins usually consisted of Bsn Syntha 6 Chocolate Protein Milkshakes....my husband and I have tried a lot of different Protein shakes, and this is our favorite brand. Chicken and Shrimp are HIGH in protein. I love to sit down and eat 1/2 of a 60 count shrimp coctail platter from Walmart just b/c it is low carb, low fat, and high protein. Chicken is such a versatile meat. There are thousands of ways to fix it. Staying away from creams or gravies will keep your carbs down too. Remember, there are GOOD oils and fats too. Light olive oils, eggs, dairy (in moderation), fish. Don't be afraid to ask at restuarants to customize your meal when you order. If you want a side salad, ask for lemon and olive oil for it instead of the creamy dressings. A lot of places have a healthier less calorie option...like Longhorns Steakhouse has an Under 500 section on their menu. Fast Food places have low carb options too (check their websites before going). I keep copies of the low carb menu options in my purse just in case. Hardees has the low carb option for any burger on their menu. You just have to tell them when you order and they will leave the bun off and wrap your burger in leaf lettuce. It is so good too! Skip the french fries no matter how good they taste. That's another 400 calories!

    Of course I am not going to pretend that I eat healthy every day. By far I don't. And I don't exercise every day (or probably what I should for the week) either! But these are just a small amount of the largely vast amount of options that are out there for you. Don't give up your dreams just because it isn't good timing. You need something to hang on to for motivation. If at this time it isn't another baby, then let it be the children that you do already have. They will be so proud later in life of the good example you are setting for them to CHOOSE to be healthier. I hope that even the smallest portion of this helps. Good luck!
  • Lipstickcherry
    Lipstickcherry Posts: 122 Member
    I suffer from PCOS and tend to feel like crap if I exist on too many refine carbs.
    I follow Dr. Fuhrman's plan, "Eat to Live". It basically says eat 1 lbs of raw/cooked veggies per day, at least 4 fruits a day and try to fill up on legumes. Nuts can be used 1 oz. amounts. I do have oats in the morning and I have no salt alvarado bread a lot. I make open faced sandwiches with a slice of tomato and lettuce on the very top to save bread carbs.

    Eating out, I tend to order a veggie burger with avocado but no cheese. A salad. Decaf coffee then I splurge by having milk with it, maybe a little sugar. But I try not to order dessert out.

    I'll add you so you can read the links I have in my profile. Basically when you have PCOS, you become insulin resistant and this means your body not only turns left over carbs into fat (more than people who don't have it) but your sugar drops low and gives you hypoglycemia. I have had the shakes, gotten dizzy and migraines from that. That is why I snack every few hours with fruit, occasionally with nuts. I had pizza last week (the last 2 weeks I have gone off my plan and my body reacted by gaining 2 and half pounds, so I am not a perfect role-model)...I felt hungry within an hour and ate another piece of pizza (tiny one but still). I immediately felt better. I got frustrated...why can't I be like the teenagers in my life, not having that rebound effect?

    The good news is that when a person loses enough fat, the insulin cells go back to normal (there is a video on my profile about that). I so look forward to that day.
  • TinGirl314
    TinGirl314 Posts: 430 Member
    I have PCOS too ...I understand the struggle.
    I've actually had it since I was 15, and the metformin hasn't been helping. I also am terrified of having children. I know in the back of my mind that if I loose weight there's a much better chance of that happening...and I used to use it as an excuse (What can I say, everyone is not meant to be a mommy :( )

    The good news is that through doing my workout rotation:
    20 minutes of cardio (Heart rate must get to 150 )
    Day one: Abs weights and arms
    Day two: Legs and aerobics.
    Day three: Break.

    I've lost a lot of inches, and I think the scale is showing slow because I'm gaining muscle...so it can be done.
    Snacks I like are an apple with peanut butter, Triscuts (They do have carbs, but they're also high in fiber...so they're a good 'once in a while with some hummus kinda thing) skinny cow ice cream bars (Though the sugar is kinda high for that one little bar...)...I can't remember them all, but my diary is open.

    It's all about finding foods that work for you though, and don't put it all on yourself at once <3 Make the changes slowly so you're more apt to keep it going. I have tried for 11 years (I was obese at 14, still am!) to completely cut out all fast food, and carbs....This time I just cut fast food out...If I can do that for two weeks...I'll start going down on the carbs.

    Setting realistic goals is half the battle dear, good luck!