Stretch mark demotivator :`(



  • Ms_Steel
    Why bother?
  • NoExcusesAllProgress
    Not sure if someone has touched on this already, but I wear my stretch marks as badges of honor. They remind me of where I've been and where I came from with my weight.
  • persephone87
    persephone87 Posts: 220 Member
    I am dealing with the same thing as you and I am getting ready to go to the extreme to get rid of them.

    I too thought losing weight would help mine, but it didn't in fact losing weight made them appear loose and now the skin where they are is very thin. I have stretch marks on my arms, back, stomach, hips, thighs, but, and behind the knees. I just recently went to a cosmetic surgeons office and signed up for 5 laser treatments.

    They are going to remove (well reduce the appearance) the stretch marks on my arms,back,stomach, and sides.

    If you would like add me and I can send you pictures of the results.

    I have been researching this for a long time and even talked to many doctors there really is only 2 cures for this and that is laser removal or having them cut off via tummy tuck. Every dermatologists has told me the creams and lotions will not work. Maybe for some people it does but it hasn't for me.

    I am sorry that you are going through this. Hope all goes well!

    I had laser surgery on mine and they didnt work too well. There is a thing I cant remember the name its like micro dermabrasion thats meant to work. I went to a cosmetic surgeon who suggested that so I will be saving up, thought mine are silver now they are deep like you can feel them they are like when you sit on a seam in your trousers and you get that indentation.

    As for the OP to be honest if not wearing a bikini cos of a few tiny lines is your biggest problem consider yourself lucky. 90% of people on here probably have them, and they really aren't the end of the world. Look at how far you have come and theres tonnes of attractive swimwear you can have to look hot in, you should lose weight so you feel comfortable in your body not just to wear a tiny bit of cloth.