can anyone recommend a good breakfast cerial?



  • DJJW
    DJJW Posts: 519 Member
    Kix, low sugar like plain cheerios, with a single serving size of 1 1/2 cup for 110cals (or close too)
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,052 Member
    I eat Kashi Go Lean Crunch Honey Almond Flax with almond milk for breakfast when I am in my office. It is delicious and filling.
  • Brandon74
    Brandon74 Posts: 453 Member
    Grape Nuts

    Oatmeal is also good as well.
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    Oats, water and a blueberries. Maybe a little sweeter or protein powder for taste.
  • idaman76
    1/2 Cup Oatmeal
    Cook in whatever you like. I use water or Almond Milk
    1 tsp of protein powder
    Add in 1/2 cup of any fruit you like
    I love a small chopped apple or peach and some cinnamon-tastes like a cobbler
    or frozen berries are don't even have to thaw them as the oats are so hot.

    I also like fiber 1 cereals.I'll quote this and my doctor in saying dry. Dream is the leading cause of obesity in America. Is is a quick Carb in the morning setting us up for quick fixes throughout the day.