Help needed

I have just started to diet and have cut out all the bad things i used to eat. now i eat slads ,fish, quorn, weightwatchers etc. but today i feel real dizzy and have blurred vision when looking closely at things.


  • jennalor
    jennalor Posts: 84 Member
    Taking a look at your food diary, you are eating far too little. As they say, you didn't gain it all overnight so you're not going to lose it overnight either. Eat! Food is a wonderful thing, and if you restrict yourself too much you may be headed for a binge. Eat healthy, stay active and the weight will come off.

    Best of luck to you! :drinker:
  • peuglow
    peuglow Posts: 684 Member
    Cut out the sodium. Eat more.

    Weight Watchers food is expensive, processed, and full of sodium.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    I only see like 3 days of you logging. Are you being honest with yourself about your food?
  • DoomCakes
    DoomCakes Posts: 806 Member
    Oh wow, the days that you did log are very low. You should be eating closer to what it recommends. I'd also throw in some more veggies and water. Were you a heavy coffee/soda addict? Your blurred vision could be from lack of caffeine if you are used to it in large doses. Also, eat some more fruits, dizziness can be from low blood sugars, and fruits are natural sources of sugars.
  • GauchoMark
    GauchoMark Posts: 1,804 Member
    what the heck is quorn? I looked at their website and I still have no clue other than it is some kind of soy free, meatless processed food that they claim is healthy. Looked like it had quite a bit of sodium as well.

    Based off your profile, you look like a pretty decent sized guy. 275 lbs and maybe 5'10 or so? You need to me eating no less than about (shooting from the hip) 2000 - 2200 calories a day to lose weight. Is your diary accurate?
  • scotty38886
    scotty38886 Posts: 55 Member
    My diary is accurate,I tried to lose weight before, but failed in my discipline. So I have recently started again because I genuinely did lose weight last time round. I find it hard to understand sodium levels. I could do with someone helping me come up with a guideline days meal plan, im struggling because i read too much on the internet. one place says eat less, one says eat more, I can honestly say im confused.
  • GauchoMark
    GauchoMark Posts: 1,804 Member
    post your weight, age, and height and we can help.

    The biggest tip that you can get right now is to log everything, everyday. Skipping days is a really easy way to fail.