I'm just looking to see if anyone else has extremely long days like me and if you do are you able to be full off of 1200 calories? Also how are you doing with fitting in exercise?

I wake up at 3-3:30am everyday , and don't get time to myself until the kids go to bed at 7:30-8pm by that time I'm worn out and don't feel up to working out so any advise would be helpful ... Over the last week I hit rock bottom and ate myself sick , it took that for me to see that I need to change... I have to stop eating my feelings so any advise would be great

Thanks !!!
Stacy !!!!


  • fitblondebaker22
    I also wake up at 3am as well. Some days I find it very hard to stay within my calorie range when I am up for the majority of the day. It helps me to plan my meals and snacks out the night before, and take ONLY those things to work with me so that I do not go beyond my calorie needs for the day. If I am feeling hungry between meals and snacks, I drink lots of water in between. Seems to help most of the time!