How do I get somewhere I have never been before?

My overall weight loss goal is 75 lbs more. This would put me at my lowest (and healthiest) weight ever. The problem I am having is that I have always been overweight so I can't imagine myself as anything but what I am now. I am working really hard but I keep wondering if I am going to get stuck where I am at. My worst fear happened this week. I didn't lose any weight, and I feel like I am proving myself right, that I can't get lower than I am now. I look through all the success stories of women who started at a similar weight as me and have gotten way down, but I just can't see me getting there. I won't stop trying because big or not I do feel healthier but I want to know if there are people out there who have been overweight their whole lives who did get to a size they never thought they would see.
A long time ago someone told me that "your body will stay at a weight where it is comfortable" I don't know if there is any scientific evidence, or who even told me this, but it has stuck in my head and I am terrified that the weight I am at is the one my body is comfortable with because I have been here before and haven't made it below this weight in many many years.
Does anyone else understand where I am coming from?


  • janeite1990
    janeite1990 Posts: 671 Member
    Can't see your diary, so it is hard to tell, but I'd say, keep it up! One week without loss isn't a big deal, even though it is frustrating. How long have you been at it? What are you doing? You might find that you have to change your exercise and eating as you lose. Remember that your calorie burns are figured off your weight. As you lose, you burn fewer calories during the same exercises. Depressing, but true.

    Add me if you want!

    Good luck!
  • jmeyer925
    jmeyer925 Posts: 326 Member
    I know 100% where you're coming from (you're welcome to read my profile to see why). And let me say, you CAN do it! Your body has come to a comfortable phase, and now you need to ease into a different life style. And at first you may not see any change, because your body is still holding onto that fat.

    It's great that you are still determined! If you need a friend on here, I'll try and help as much as I can :heart:
  • Meg_78
    Meg_78 Posts: 998 Member
    I understand where you are coming from, but in the opposite direction, and I also heard the same damn comment!!!

    I am underweight and managed so far to gain 10lbs, but after 3 weeks of travel and sickness, not tracking food or exercise I did drop 2lbs, which doesn't sound like much, but it terrifies me that I'm going to go back to that same icky skinny girl and I will never move past it...I had weeks when I was eating 2300+ calories, and I didn't gain anything and I was worried that I was never going to be able to break my metabolism.

    But generally I have been able to maintain at my new weight, and now that I am gaining again, I feel confident that eventually I will get there, and stay there, though it will always involve a little conscious action on my part, the prize is never for free!. I don't think we have a set weight that is that determined, we probably have an ideal body weight spectrum that our body copes best at, but it is pretty wide.

    Good luck on your journey, you can do this, and so can I!
  • Totally get it doll, it may take a while which is perfectly fine but nothhing can limit how far you can get to not even genetics ^u^ Take it day by day,don't look at the 75lbs you have to lose or you'll get pshyched out.You are the only person standing in your way,so kick yourself out of the way steamroll through the lbs cupcake! Best of luck to you!!
  • Zylahe
    Zylahe Posts: 772 Member
    there are lots of ppl here who have always been overweight/ unfit until now...

    I would suggest concentrate on things other than the scale, so are your clothes looser, can you walk further before you're puffed.
    also part of this is about getting fitter.
    try to set an excersise based goal, like running 5k before xmas.

    and this is a healthy plan or life. yes the weight loss might slow down (and may even stall for a week)
    but you are healthier now than you were this time last year. and next year will be even better
  • Fake it till you make it! Act confident even when you may not feel it. Positive self-talk is SO important. Choose a mantra and say it to yourself. And stop listening to people who try to box you in! I would also say to challenge yourself, and see what your new body can do. Try running a race, rock climbing, sky diving... you might be surprised what you discover about yourself.
  • I WANT to think that it is possible to get somewhere where I never have been. I am stuck at my weight for month. I just go on, things must be moving and will show sooner or later.
    Just go on and be confident, I am sure you will get there, maybe not as quick as you would wish but it will come. Good luck!
  • pudgeylou
    pudgeylou Posts: 202 Member
    Thank you for the support and words of encouragement. I am still working at this because I feel better but I am stuck at my current weight for over a week now, and I am hoping to get off this plateau rather quickly. I am going to try adding some things to my workout and see if I can't get it moving again.
  • neuro_nut
    neuro_nut Posts: 78 Member
    I totally understand! Felt that it was impossible for years, but I am proof that it isn't. I was already 175lbs in middle school... and slowly started losing in high school. Now at 27, I am the smallest I've ever been. It definitely will take time, so be patient with yourself and your body... It's tough to change a lifetime of habits and negative thinking. I never thought it was possible for me to be in the 120s... but here I am. You can do it too! Good luck :)
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    First of all, I completely understand your fears, and I've experienced those same thoughts and feelings. I've always been overweight/obese and I never really lost any significant weight until a few years ago, when I lost about 45 lbs to get to about 160 lbs. I was still overweight but no longer obese. I gradually gained some of that back. When I joined MFP in January and started losing again, I could imagine getting to 160 lbs again, but I had it fixed in my mind that I wouldn't be able to get any lower than that. I just couldn't imagine it. Well, I did it! I got back to that weight, and carried on slowly but surely until today I am at about 140 lbs, which is 74 lbs down from my highest. I'm no longer overweight, for the first time in my adult life. I still want to lose about 10-15 lbs and I'm getting that feeling again, that it might be impossible, but I know now not to trust that feeling! It can be done.

    Don't panic about 1 week staying the same. Weight loss is not linear, and 1 week is not really considered a plateau - that would be more like several weeks or a couple of months at the same weight and size. Are you taking measurements and photos? They can be so motivating when the scale is not moving. The scale is useful, but it doesn't tell the whole story! And definitely try to set other fitness goals. When you have lost more and it starts to naturally slow down, it will be really useful to have other things to focus on while the weight comes off in its own time.

    As I say, I don't think you're on a plateau necessarily, but if that happens, I found this quite a useful article:
  • flechero
    flechero Posts: 260 Member

    "your body will stay at a weight where it is comfortable"

    Actually your body will do what you and your mind make it do... sometimes the comfort is in the mind and sometimes there is no comfort. But rest assured that when you embrace the concept of eating less and moving more (as in a true lifestyle change) your body will become comfortable in that routine. And normal will become fit and of healthy weight for your frame.

    The best advice I have for you is to accept that this is not a quick fix... try not to look at progress daily as that only makes the need more urgent. Most of us took years to get fat- and expecting it to take weeks to correct isn't realistic.

    I'm 9 months into this and 50 lbs +/- down. I run and lift because I now enjoy it, not because I feel the need to lose weight. I eat healthier and eat legitimate size portions because I am now comfortable and enjoy the better foods. (not to mention I feel 100 times better/healthier/ more energetic/ sleep better/ love life more, etc.!!!!!!)

    And through this journey, always remember that the scale only tells a PART of the answer... relying on the scale for feedback is dangerous since it only measures weight- not health, body fat, etc.

    Embrace the journey, as it is what builds your character!
  • Your body will stay where it is comfortable if you let it - You have to push, make yourself uncomfortable, do something you've never done, work harder than you've ever worked! Put pressure on your body and it can be what ever you want it to be. You have to change your mindset about what you think you're capable of. With hard work comes great results! :happy:
  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    Oh yeah. Been there. I was over weight and obese most of my life, especially the last 15 years. When I lost the weight last year I still couldn't believe what I looked like in the mirror. I felt like an imposter. Luckily I had podcasts to listen to that talked about what was happening and reading material that helped me get through it. I won't mention where I got it because everyone will say I'm advertising. No loss to me. I got my success and I don't make any money from the products that I am a product of. LOL

    Anyway, it takes time for you mind to catch up to your body. After a year I'm finally realizing this is me now. This is why I think surgery options are not so great, it has got to be a serious mind trip. I did this the slow way and my mind couldn't keep up!
  • lawre028
    lawre028 Posts: 40 Member
    Your topic line, lol. Honey you are over halfway there. Looks Like all you have to do is keep on keeping on and don't lose faith in yourself. Forget the past live in the here and now. Look at what you have accomplished. :bigsmile: Be proud of yourself, give yourself credit. You can do it!!!!