Football season

So, I live in the midwest. I am a huge follower of both a college and an NFL team. During this time of year that equates to at least two social events every week with tons of tempting food with lots of calories and little nutritional value. Not to mention the BEER. I will admit it I LOVE BEER, please note I do not have a problem. I just love to sit and watch a game and have a few beers, I love trying new beers. Anyway, you get the idea. I am currently limiting drinking beer to 1-2 times a month, but it is soooooo hard. I know I'm just whining but I just wanted to give a shout out and see if anyone has any tips or strategies they use during this wonderful time of year.

p.s. I also make sure to bring a healthy option every time I bring food to an event, that way I know at least what to expect for one thing I will be eating.


  • wingednotes
    Me too!! I love the Broncos - that game last night was so great!
    Unfortunately during weight loss times, I forego the tasty beer for the low calorie stuff. Log in lots of exercise and don't eat it back until Sunday if you want :)