People with sweet toothe. Please help me survive.



  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    thx all.really was feeling kind of lost. I will try your tips. I am indian and sweets are big part of all festive seasons any wedding or occasion people give and take alot. so you end up with almost five boxes at one time. or one big box from one family. since i have bigger sweet tooth. I end up cleaning this all up.

    I think if I had a ready source of that.. sweet indian bread pudding stuff with the crispy toast points I would never ever ever ever ever be able to diet. Ever.

    Personally, I like the sugar detox method - where you cut all the added sugars out for a week or two - and then EVERYTHING starts to seem really sweet, fruits and milk.. so you don't want the candy, 'cause it's waaay too sweet. Good luck!
  • rahonda28
    try dark chocolate covered peanuts or pb and cocoa spread on toast or with plain yogurt or milk you get your chocolate fix protien and calcium at the same time./ cocoa and cottage cheese or a small amount of sugar free jello and cottage cheese are some options my dietition recomended for me they do help peanut butter milk and ice blended together as a smoothie or shake add a little cocoa and these are cheaper too but taste good freeze sugar free pudding into pops eat instead of icecream flavor your water with mio or crysle light packets chew sugar free gum mint chocolate chip strawberry shortcake or plain old fresh or frozen friut is a favorite of mine and oatmeal you can have many different ways special k has many different snacks for on the go protien bars are also good because they help you feel full yogurt has all kinds of flavors and you can have sugar free cake and iceing now too pillsbury makes a good one just remember portions google ideas also and dietitions have the newest finds good luck on you journey hope this helped
  • Aviflora
    Aviflora Posts: 85 Member
    Y'know, with the way I eat now, no one would *ever* guess that I have a sweet tooth. :O My secret is freezing super-sweet fruits, mainly berries, and eating them as desert all by themselves. :D

    Today, for desert, I had 15 frozen grapes. It doesn't seem like a lot, but they're nice and cold, and hard to get through. Eating 15 takes away any sweet craving you have. I swear by it!

    Edit- Also, I forgot to mention! For chocolate fixes, I use a packet of Carnation Breakfast Essentials Rich Chocolate mix, and add a cup of milk. Altogether, it equals about 220 calories, and it fills you up with a whole lot of vitamins and minerals! Another thing I swear by. :D
  • ashlbubba
    ashlbubba Posts: 224 Member
    I make sure to buy snacks and sweets that my husband enjoys but I don't like (like coconut cookies ::ew::).. I do not have the perfect diet like a lot of people- I cannot at this point make that big of a lifestyle change and be successful. With that being said I keep things that I like out of eyesight, like at the very bottom shelf of the pantry or the bottom door of the refigerator.

    My best defense at not devouring the 280 calorie Little Debbies my husband loves so much is to put them in his container of snacks in the pantry and throw away the box they came in (besides they pay people to make them look even more appetizing on the box right) His container of snacks is full of stuff I mostly don't like so I don't go digging through it looking for those brownies!

    I also keep Hershey Kisses in the refrigerator. When I want something sweet and chocolate-y I go get 1-2, at 22 calories each they're almost guiltless (to me). We're talking about a maximum of 44 calories plus I had to walk to the kitchen and do a squat to get them! When I eat them I try not to chew them and since they're nice and cold they take a little while to melt in my mouth so I really get my 22 calories worth!

    Good luck fighting off the cravings!
  • sheclimbsrocks
    sheclimbsrocks Posts: 110 Member
    How about some fresh cherries or pineapple? I am with you on the sweet tooth. If you can fill the urge with fruit rather than processed foods, you will be on the right track.
  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member
    I eat fruit, every day and typically yogurt with fruit in it too. As a result I can limit myself to one cookie at night or a small amount of dark chocolate.

    I don't go crazy because I don't deny myself and I've already been to the gym so I know how much I can have and if I feel like may want more than my normal before going to the gym I may put in extra cardio so I can.

    It keeps me from going crazy on sweets. But really the thing that keeps me from going crazy is having some (and not ALL)
  • meowkapow
    meowkapow Posts: 103 Member
    I was a complete sugar addict when I first started. What worked for me:

    - Transitioning from soft drinks (Coke etc) -> sparkling water + juice -> just sparkling water -> water
    - Baking my own muffins etc and using Stevia instead of sugar (not often, maybe once a month)
    - Eating fruit and sometimes dried fruit if I really need something sweet
    - Ditto for dark chocolate with little to no added sugar, it's too strong a taste for me to go to town on

    I still eat things with sugar but now it's 20% of the time instead of all the time. Over time your body stops wanting it as much when you've reduced how much you have.. stay strong lol! I feel your pain!
  • taylor5877
    taylor5877 Posts: 1,792 Member
    I grab a pound of strawberries and go to town with 0 guilt.
  • rnb1127
    rnb1127 Posts: 23 Member
    Any fruit should take care of your sweet tooth.
    When you want chocolate, I LOVE Skinny Cow's dreamy clusters <- OMG!
    Also some ice cream bars are really not that bad if you have left over calories.
  • tim_w13
    tim_w13 Posts: 101 Member
    I will definitely give fruit a bigger chance now on. Dark choclate too. Thanks guys.i will try allof the tips you suggested.hopefully these will curb my cravings.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I do whole day good on food front as far as nothing sweet comes but as i taste anything sweet, I just kep on eating. I have two other people and a 17 month old so avoiding sweet in home is not an option. Please suggest how you curb your eating habits. I hope there is a solution to this issue.

    I check the label for the calorie content and the serving size. I eat one serving.
  • vfnmoody
    vfnmoody Posts: 271 Member
    torani sugar free syrup: chocolate in my evening coffe feels like a hotchocolate but with no cals.
  • JenKillough
    JenKillough Posts: 474 Member
    torani sugar free syrup: chocolate in my evening coffe feels like a hotchocolate but with no cals.

    I've been meaning to try those sugar free syrups...
  • careyannal
    I have a really bad sweet tooth. I NEVER have cravings for salty foods, only sweets. Here are things I eat all the time:

    Fiber One Brownies (90 cal)
    Jiffy Pop Kettle Corn (100 cal bags)
    Fat free Fudgecicles (60 cal)
    Skinny Cow Ice Cream bars (there are many different varieties and flavors (100-150 cals)
    Sugar-free Pudding

    I also eat a lot of fruit, bananas, watermelon, cantelope. honeydew

    Hope that helps! I feel your pain!!
  • vfnmoody
    vfnmoody Posts: 271 Member
    torani sugar free syrup: chocolate in my evening coffe feels like a hotchocolate but with no cals.

    I've been meaning to try those sugar free syrups...

    They are good. I order them on line. Lots of flavors but I only use Vanilla and the chocolates. My wife puts peach into her diet ginger ale.
    They are a little thin to use on pancakes and waffels but Ihave tried them there.
  • Brendajo510
    I think that sometimes when I have a sweet tooth, I try to identify what I'm craving. Is it a chocolate crave or just sweetness. Sweetness can sometimes be solved by some yummy fruit (I love fresh fruits). Otherwise, I have my Keebler Mini Fudge Stripes Dark Chocolate Cookies (100 Cal). If I want ice cream, I have some weight watchers stuff that really satisfies my crave without me over indulging.
  • clee369
    clee369 Posts: 101 Member
    You should just pull that sweet tooth out bruh. Ya one less tooth won't be as attractive to the ladies but when you're doing quarter squats with 6 plates they'll want you missing tooth or not
  • spencerjrae
    WOw! It's like I'm reading my own blog! Thanks for posting this as I also need help with sweets. The more I eat the more I crave. Love the tips people are giving!
  • ObtainingBalance
    ObtainingBalance Posts: 1,446 Member
    Okay, so what. You have a good. PERFECT. Teach them to adopt better habits. Do you really want them to pick up yours?

    Moderation is always the key, If you want to let them have treats... keep stuff that doesn't tempt you as much. As far as the really big craving foods, keep them OUT.

    Also... freezing stuff works. Or things that need cooked, like cookies.. cinnamon rolls.. etc... Keep it in the fridge, the dough... only make so many in a batch. You're allowed to have one if you have the calorie allowance.

    Make healthy meals, include a lot of protien. Seriously make sure you are eating enough protien because when I eat a lot, I feel fuller and have less cravings. You can even change your diet settings to 40% carbs, 30% protien, 30% fat

    Drink a lot of water.

    Exercise helps me crave less too.... exercise has so many health benefits and really boosts moods!!

    Good luck. xx
  • TyFit08
    TyFit08 Posts: 799 Member
    I swear by watermelon. I have a horrible sweet tooth. Two entire cups of it only has 100 calories. When I'm craving cakes and things, I eat that and it completely takes the craving away.

    I agree with this. I rarely ate it before I started trying to lose, but it totally helps with the sweet tooth and it is a low cal/low carb food. I also like fiber one brownies. I also snack on cheese. I love cheese just as much as I love cake, so it does feel like I'm having a treat. If I find that I have extra calories at the end of the day, I may treat myself to a donut or a cookie, but that's every once and a while.