no more diet pills! :noway:

I cannot tell you how many diet pills I have tried! EVERY one promises that they are gonna totally help me loose weight, and guess what? they don't! I am sick of wasting money on these things, and they are so expensive. I have found that I buy a bottle of someting new everytime I am getting sick of dieting, but the truth is, I lose weight by dieting! I can drop a few pounds with a really good week of eating good food and staying at 1200 calories. I just recently moved and found that I had about 5 half empty if not full bottles of diet pills! ARG! Probably all adding up to about 80 dollars, now that is frustrating. I started my diet about 5 months ago and have lost 33 lbs, (13 more to go!!) and I did my first three months eating very strick, but very good. I've been maintaining my weight, but now I'm back into it trying to get this last bit off, I'm think another month and a half till I reach my goal, and I am saying, no more! NO MORE DIET PILLS!!


  • gperry227
    I am proud of you.
  • pcbta
    pcbta Posts: 227
    it's hard because we all want quick results! I have done the pill-thing too...many years ago. didn't get me anywhere!

  • MadWorld
    MadWorld Posts: 200
    First, I am really proud you have made the smart decision-- such a waste of money and that industry makes a killing off of it. I am so surprised that Jillian Michaels even put one out-- that really made me think twice about her, sadly.

    Secondly-- think about all the new clothes or books or cd's you can put that money towards, that you would otherwise be wasting on diet pills! :) That's the way I look at it when I see something like diet pills that try to pull me in with their witty marketing techniques... ;)

    Hang in there- you don't need that crap.