Combating Cravings

I am in need of serious help in regards to combating cravings for unhealthy foods, or for just too much of a food in general. :explode:

This is my thought process when something comes up, like my coworkers getting mcdonald's for lunch, "I know I shouldn't eat this, I have a healthy lunch in the fridge, but OMG I want a cheeseburger and french fries!!" and then I do it. And then later in the day I have 6 oreos instead of a treat of 1 or 2. And it goes on and on.

How can I 1. combat the cravings and 2. really motivate myself?

I think I don't want it bad enough now that I am in a healthy weight range for my height (just barely, at the tiptop!) but I know that I need to eat healthier foods and lose another 5-10lbs to be at my best. Tips on making me really want it?
