How many people have SUPPORTIVE partners?

I am getting discouraged with humankind seeing all this stuff about husband's/partners being unsupportive.

My husband eats all the food I cook no complaints, he picks up fresh fruits and veggies, and anything healthy he can get his hands on at the grocery store, cheers me on, tells me I look hot, tells me to rest when I over do it, and says he's proud of me :heart:

What does your spouse/partner do to support and encourage you?


  • bigdawg025
    bigdawg025 Posts: 774 Member
    Then I would say he's a keeper! :happy:
  • My partner always tells me that I look good, if he eats something naughty he will normally eat it when he is at work so I don't have to be around it. He eats what I eat but a bigger portion and doesn't ever complain. In fact most of the time he is the one cooking dinner! I love my partner to bits and wouldn't change him for the world!
  • My husband is so supportive it's ridiculous. :) His support, actually led to his decision to get healthy too. So now, we're both on the right path to wellness.

    I read about un-supportive spouses/partners here too, and it makes me so sad. I had one of those years ago. Notice I said "had". For me, there was no future with someone who wouldn't be my partner through 'thick and thin'.
  • postrockandcats
    postrockandcats Posts: 1,145 Member
    I am getting discouraged with humankind seeing all this stuff about husband's/partners being unsupportive.

    My husband eats all the food I cook no complaints, he picks up fresh fruits and veggies, and anything healthy he can get his hands on at the grocery store, cheers me on, tells me I look hot, tells me to rest when I over do it, and says he's proud of me :heart:

    What does your spouse/partner do to support and encourage you?

    We're doing this together. When I was going to the gym alone, he wasn't always that way, but since he's made the effort and is seeing changes, he's a different guy. :)
  • jynxxxed
    jynxxxed Posts: 1,010 Member
    When he cooks dinner he measures out/weighs my portions for me and does the same with the leftovers for my lunch the next day. He tries all of my attempts at 'healthier' recipes and has been nothing but positive to me throughout it all.
    The good guys do exist!

    ETA: I forgot that we also go to the gym together on the weekends and have been for the past few months now.
  • Impy84
    Impy84 Posts: 430
    My booskie is very supportive. Checks with me about the food we keep in the house and never pushes or questions what I'm eating.

    Doesn't mind that I give 2+ hrs to the gym while he's at home alone (im sure he's excited to get rid of me anyway for those 2 hrs lol) but no overall my honey is SUPPORTIVE.
  • Stenobun
    Stenobun Posts: 166 Member
    My husband and I are doing this together. We started a little over a month ago. We take long walks together when time permits (otherwise I go by myself during the week). We shop for healthy food together and he frequently cooks for us. He tells me all the time how proud he is of me for doing this, and he points out little differences he sees in me that I don't see. Most importantly, he says encouraging things to me when I get discouraged, which is happening pretty frequently in the last few days. I don't think I'd be sticking with it if it weren't for him.
  • my husband also says he is proud of me and thinks its great what i do...working out, eating clean, and even being OCD weighing out everything/logging.
  • rachelerwin
    rachelerwin Posts: 140 Member
    My husband and I are in this lifestyle change together. He is my biggest supporter. We like coming up with healthy meal ideas together.
  • zeebruhgirl
    zeebruhgirl Posts: 493 Member
    My fiance is amazing! He is doing the 30 day paleo challenge with me, eats healthy with me and cooks healthy with me! He's constantly calling me sexy and motivating me. He also exercises with me<3
  • You are lucky. Mine is slowly coming around. He didn't like it at first and tried to sabotage me in little ways. I think he was "testing me" to see if I would stick it out. Not nice, I know. But he's a lot better now, thankfully.
  • jenihullett
    jenihullett Posts: 241 Member
    My husband is miles ahead of me as far as fitness goes. He knows that I really struggle with me weight, so he does little things to encourage me. He'll tell me that I'm beautiful, warns me in advance when he wants to take me out for dinner so I can plan my meals ahead of time, etc. But I think the biggest motivation he gives is is when we do something together that I wasn't able to do 30 lbs ago (like going jogging, or paddle boating, or on a 5 mile hike that ends in a romantic picnic) and he tells me how happy and proud he is that I can share these experiences with him. That's my driving force to become healthier; so my husband and I can have all the adventures we can fit into one lifetime!
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Today is our 7th anniversary :) My husband eats what I make without questioning it. He even eats what some might consider "chick food." That's love.
  • Mine is amazing. He picks up random things at the store and we play, "guess the calories and fat" with them, and he tries to make sure any food he brings home from work fits in my calorie and fat budget. He even did a 3 mile walk with me on Saturday!
  • My husband wasn't always 100% supportive. But he wasn't doing what he did to be mean. He wanted to make me happy. For example: I am seriously cutting back on grains. Not cutting them out entirely, but cutting back. That also includes my most favorite treat.... CUPCAKES. Specifically Mrs. Freshley's Chocolate cream cupcakes. No, I wouldn't eat these ALL the time, but about once a week I'd have him pick me up some, or donuts. Well, For a bit there in the beginning, he thought he was doing good by getting me the treats... until I asked him to stop. I think it was at that point he realized he was sabotaging my efforts to straighten my diet out. Now, he's totally behind me. He's never complained unless the food was (admittedly) not the greatest. But for the most part, we've been eating out less, and making good nutritious meals at home... now if I only I could get him off Cherry Coke.
  • well i have to say over a year ago i didnt feel my husband was super supportive... we ended up separating for a while but got back together. now he is awesome! he supports me and we work out together when we have time, he's actually cutting fat and about to bulk up, he's 6'1 and 198 wants to gain about 15 pounds or so of muscle.. he doesnt care what size i am as when we met i was smaller but gained with my 2 pregnancies... cant complain about him and i love having his support
  • pixelberry
    pixelberry Posts: 167 Member
    Mine is supportive, he helped me with buying my new bike, watches our twin boys while I bike on the weekends, occasionally asks me about my protein intake to see if I'm eating too little or too much, when he makes dinner he weighs things out for me so I can log it correctly, so all in all - I can't complain too much.
  • cardsfanlv
    cardsfanlv Posts: 110 Member
    My wife and I are totally in this together. We are both working towards a long-term lifestyle change so we can both lose fat and improve our long-term health.
  • southpaw211
    southpaw211 Posts: 385 Member
    My husband is awesome. Let me back up by saying this is the guy that through two babies worked out a schedule with me after they were born where I could sleep THROUGH THE NIGHT every other night. On his night, he would get up, feed, diaper, whatever. The man got the nurse to teach him to swaddle while I was sleeping after daughter #1 was born. He's amazing. He works longer hours than me, yet still cleans up after dinner while I'm folding laundry or even relaxing for a few minutes. He gets the girls ready and spends some one on one time with them before bed.

    He's also very tall and when he puts on weight, carries it very well. I have steadily put on pounds since we met, the largest of course being from two pregnancies. When I suggested that we buy Power 90 in May and do it together in the mornings before work & getting kids to school, his response was, SURE!

    He is my cheerleader. On days when I don't want to get up at the crack to work out, he's there. When I lost a whole 14 pounds on P90, you'd have thought I lost 50 from his comments. When, after tons of research I suggested Jillian Michaels Body Revolution for our next 90 days, he said sure. No demands for P90X or something more relatable for guys, just, "sure".

    Yeah, I'd say he's supportive. He's kinda terrific. :blushing:
  • My partner is super supportive! He happily eats the food I make, works out with me whenever his work schedule permits it, split the cost of adjustable dumbbells with me, and when he's not up for one of my super-long weekend runs, he'll ride alongside on a bike to keep me company (and carry water and gatorade for me). He also makes a point to tell me I'm beautiful, pretty, sexy, etcetera every day of the week. :blushing: He's a keeper.

    I have had an unsupportive partner, and it was annoying, but not unbearable. Got jealous of and insecure about my new, better body, didn't come to the gym with me, didn't want to eat the type of food I did. It wasn't terrible but I like this way better.