I'm Discouraged!!!



  • Cloe
    Cloe Posts: 435
    I so can understand what you mean about the weight gain on the anti-depressants, I too gained about 30 lbs on these meds. I'm really glad to hear from someone else who is going through the same problem. As far as exhaustion when you get home and no energy to workout, try and incorporate it into your day at work. I don't know the type of work you do, but if on computer you should be taking a break every now and then. Make a point of walking the halls for a few laps on those short breaks. Or on lunch go for a brisk walk. You also will find your energy level will increase with exercise. Do a few stretches throughout the day at your desk if you can. It is very fatigueing to sit and work at a desk for any length of time. Depending on your job you can try and incorporate some of these ideas into your day. Hope this is of some help. Keep trying, you can do it.
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    First off I would go see your doc and discuss options for medication. There has been a huge issue with drugs and weight gain, over 1000 regularly prescribed meds have been linked to significant weight gain. I see that someone else mentioned there are newer meds that reduce the risk of weight gain, look into that.

    I have not had signigicant depression before but I can imagine that the added weight isn't helping. Commuting is hard. If you get a lunch hour or even 1/2 hour maybe you could take 1/2 of that time and take a walk around your work building or the block that you work on and get in a bit of exercise there. Try not to focus on the scale, hard to do I know, but you may want to focus on how you are feeling first.

    A little exercise, even just 20 mins a day, will help improve your energy levels and you will start to loose inches if not weight. When your clothes start to fit different it is a whole new level of motivation to do a little bit more!

    Good luck, I hope you get a little kick start and find a way to get a bit of walking in. Oh, and start packing your lunches, it will help you stick to your new way of eatting when you have the right choices in your lunch bag.