What does a "sugar high" (hyperglycemia) feel like?

Can someone explain what a "sugar high" or hyperglycemia feels like to me. After a banana and orange juice breakfast I had a glass of orange juice, sugary apple sausage from al fresco, a nectarine, and baby carrots lunch and now I am feeling classical ADHD symptoms (something I was diagnosed with) but is this really clinical ADHD if I only experience inattentiveness and hyperactivity when I overdose on sugar? Or is this the feeling of a typical person's blood sugar getting too high too fast before it crashes down and gives me a lull where I reach for more sugar? I normally associate this feeling with my gluten sensitivity but now I'm thinking it's something else....


  • eireannyoung
    eireannyoung Posts: 154 Member
    Yup it's probably a sugar high. I get those symptoms and some others. Post a little later and let us know if you're feeling drained, sluggish, or heavy in a couple/few hours... that would be a sign that the sugar high is wearing off and your blood sugar is dipping low.
  • EccentricDad
    EccentricDad Posts: 875 Member
    I can definitely feel like whatever I just went through is coming down.... Crazy because I eat a TON of fruit and it doesn't give me the response that juice does.... Can't drink milk cuz I'm intolerant, same goes for soy; almond would be an option but they put vitamin D2 in it and not D3. So in an effort to still get calcium and vitamin D I added this juice..... Worst. Idea. EVER!

    I'll let you know if I crash :/

    BTW, I looked at your profile and you have weight goes that go up, are you trying to gain or lose? Just curious.
  • bilberryjam
    bilberryjam Posts: 72 Member
    I can definitely feel like whatever I just went through is coming down.... Crazy because I eat a TON of fruit and it doesn't give me the response that juice does....

    The lack of fibre in the juice means the sugar hits your bloodstream much faster.
  • Losing2Live69
    Losing2Live69 Posts: 743 Member
    Google it.
  • drmerc
    drmerc Posts: 2,603 Member
    You really should eat more than 1200 cals a day
  • eireannyoung
    eireannyoung Posts: 154 Member
    I can definitely feel like whatever I just went through is coming down.... Crazy because I eat a TON of fruit and it doesn't give me the response that juice does.... Can't drink milk cuz I'm intolerant, same goes for soy; almond would be an option but they put vitamin D2 in it and not D3. So in an effort to still get calcium and vitamin D I added this juice..... Worst. Idea. EVER!

    I'll let you know if I crash :/

    BTW, I looked at your profile and you have weight goes that go up, are you trying to gain or lose? Just curious.

    Yup, the fiber in the fruit helps slow the absorption of the sugars. Fruit juice spikes your blood sugar about as fast as high fructose corn syrup. I drink coconut milk as a base for smoothies, etc. - I think it's So Delicious that does an unsweetened version. Not sure if it's fortified or not.

    To answer your question - I'm trying to gain weight.
  • KellyJoMorris
    KellyJoMorris Posts: 35 Member
    Can someone explain what a "sugar high" or hyperglycemia feels like to me. After a banana and orange juice breakfast I had a glass of orange juice, sugary apple sausage from al fresco, a nectarine, and baby carrots lunch and now I am feeling classical ADHD symptoms (something I was diagnosed with) but is this really clinical ADHD if I only experience inattentiveness and hyperactivity when I overdose on sugar? Or is this the feeling of a typical person's blood sugar getting too high too fast before it crashes down and gives me a lull where I reach for more sugar? I normally associate this feeling with my gluten sensitivity but now I'm thinking it's something else....

    My youngest son had to have a low sugar diet because when eating lots of sugar, he had quite a few ADHD symptoms that were not otherwise present. He was like a junkie looking for his next fix, and he suffered from 'gobby teenager syndrome' lol. After quite a few years with a restricted intake, it doesn't seem to affect him any more, he's not very interested in sugar now.
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    If you had a glass of juice for breakfast, you're not getting a sugar high from it now. Sugar highs don't take most of a day to hit you. I'm going to say you don't have a sugar high. You're probably getting it from something else.
  • Cliffslosinit
    Cliffslosinit Posts: 5,044 Member
    You really should eat more than 1200 cals a day

    ^^THIS and not 1201 either....Kthanks
  • _VoV
    _VoV Posts: 1,494 Member
    I don't know about hyperglycemia, but I know about hypoglycemia: sweaty, fast heart rate, sudden fatigue and desire to lie down, and a desperate need to eat your way out of the horrible feeling by bringing your blood sugar up. Of course, this can turn into a vicious cycle.
  • EccentricDad
    EccentricDad Posts: 875 Member
    You really should eat more than 1200 cals a day

    Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm trying. I don't want to put my stomach in shock though. I'm going up to 1600 today and then up to 1800 on Wednesday. I ate 1800 recently and I was bloated most that night from the shock of eating more than I normally do.
  • EccentricDad
    EccentricDad Posts: 875 Member
    You really should eat more than 1200 cals a day

    ^^THIS and not 1201 either....Kthanks

    Stay On Topic You Two!!!! (And they say I have adhd)
  • EccentricDad
    EccentricDad Posts: 875 Member
    If you had a glass of juice for breakfast, you're not getting a sugar high from it now. Sugar highs don't take most of a day to hit you. I'm going to say you don't have a sugar high. You're probably getting it from something else.

    I'm drinking this juice like it's my milk (since I'm dairy and soy intolerant) so I had it with breakfast AND lunch. Clearly, I can't do that any more without a very fibrous item to go with it. I'll be going back to almond milk or I can do coconut milk as well (both unsweetened). And sugars CAN work that way if the source has a high glycemic load.
  • EccentricDad
    EccentricDad Posts: 875 Member
    I don't know about hyperglycemia, but I know about hypoglycemia: sweaty, fast heart rate, sudden fatigue and desire to lie down, and a desperate need to eat your way out of the horrible feeling by bringing your blood sugar up. Of course, this can turn into a vicious cycle.

    Interesting. You see, I don't get any sugar lows (which proves to me I'm not diabetic); but I do get sugar highs sometimes (which is why I avoid candy and baked goods). I can see how the hypo to hyper could be a vicious cycle though.
  • EccentricDad
    EccentricDad Posts: 875 Member
    I can definitely feel like whatever I just went through is coming down.... Crazy because I eat a TON of fruit and it doesn't give me the response that juice does....

    The lack of fibre in the juice means the sugar hits your bloodstream much faster.

    Makes sense. Just a shame that I react this way to juice. I just bought two 1/2 gallons of this hoping to solve my milk problem with it... :indifferent:
  • EccentricDad
    EccentricDad Posts: 875 Member
    Can someone explain what a "sugar high" or hyperglycemia feels like to me. After a banana and orange juice breakfast I had a glass of orange juice, sugary apple sausage from al fresco, a nectarine, and baby carrots lunch and now I am feeling classical ADHD symptoms (something I was diagnosed with) but is this really clinical ADHD if I only experience inattentiveness and hyperactivity when I overdose on sugar? Or is this the feeling of a typical person's blood sugar getting too high too fast before it crashes down and gives me a lull where I reach for more sugar? I normally associate this feeling with my gluten sensitivity but now I'm thinking it's something else....

    My youngest son had to have a low sugar diet because when eating lots of sugar, he had quite a few ADHD symptoms that were not otherwise present. He was like a junkie looking for his next fix, and he suffered from 'gobby teenager syndrome' lol. After quite a few years with a restricted intake, it doesn't seem to affect him any more, he's not very interested in sugar now.

    Would you believe my ENTIRE family is this way (including my wife which isn't even blood related)? I can't believe how much diet has to do with behavior, it's crazy!
  • cal_73
    I doubt it is hyperglycemia as that is typically only felt by diabetics. But while your body may eliminate the sugar from your blood that doesn't mean it won't cause you feelings related to it's digestion.

    I'm a diabetic and can try to describe it. Thirst that can't be quenched, muscle pain/cramps - especially in the legs and calfs, loss of appetite, increased heartbeat, lower energy. It's hard to describe. But really you shouldn't be feeling it. Non-diabetics usually never have elevated blood sugar - if you do you are no longer a non-diabetic.
  • Avandel
    Avandel Posts: 283 Member
    I'm borderline hypoglycemic so not sure of the difference between the symptoms. I don't get a sugar high but I certainly get a sugar crash. With either hyper or hypo it's recommended you eat something every 3-4 hrs. LOL! preferably not sugary! :bigsmile:
  • EccentricDad
    EccentricDad Posts: 875 Member
    I doubt it is hyperglycemia as that is typically only felt by diabetics. But while your body may eliminate the sugar from your blood that doesn't mean it won't cause you feelings related to it's digestion.

    I'm a diabetic and can try to describe it. Thirst that can't be quenched, muscle pain/cramps - especially in the legs and calfs, loss of appetite, increased heartbeat, lower energy. It's hard to describe. But really you shouldn't be feeling it. Non-diabetics usually never have elevated blood sugar - if you do you are no longer a non-diabetic.

    I always thought that people who eat high glycemic index foods to a point that puts a heavy glycemic load on the blood sugar would have a problem with blood sugar (temporarily) whether they are diabetic or not. And the only reason I come down from my hyperglycemic response is because my insulin is working but my blood sugar went up way too fast to produce enough insulin to keep the sugar from affecting me cognitively. I could be wrong and I might be a closet type 2 diabetic for all I know; I just know that I have an apple shape while in the healthy bmi range and it's being stubborn to fall off.
  • EccentricDad
    EccentricDad Posts: 875 Member
    I'm borderline hypoglycemic so not sure of the difference between the symptoms. I don't get a sugar high but I certainly get a sugar crash. With either hyper or hypo it's recommended you eat something every 3-4 hrs. LOL! preferably not sugary! :bigsmile:

    Something not sugary! That's blasphemy! :noway:
    Seriously though, I do need to cut sugar out. I just don't understand how the dietary fat or protein would function as energy if I axed most of my fruit intake and limited myself to non-gluten grains (quinoa and corn).