Diet Soda / Crystal Light



  • taylor5877
    taylor5877 Posts: 1,792 Member
    I drink a lot of diet sodas also and it has had no effect on weight or the ability to lose weight.

    How do you know that? Have you ever given it up for an extended period of time? I definitely noticed that my sugar cravings decreased a couple months after I stopped drinking diet soda. Everyone is different of course.

    yes. I have.

    It doesnt have any effect on my craving of sugar or sweet treats...
    The primary addiction I have to it is a caffeine boost... and it goes away completely if I get caffeine from some other source (like EC or workout powder for example) caffeine addiction for me and why diet sodas are addicting to relation to craving sweetness.
  • baptiste565
    baptiste565 Posts: 590 Member
    its scary that people think that diet coke is bad for thread mentioned that diet coke is full of sodium. lot of misinformation out there. but i respect people choice to believe what they want to believe.
  • GCLyds
    GCLyds Posts: 206 Member
    I stopped drinking pop altogether. I replaced it with club soda and a splash of fruit juice. Much healthier and still fizzy. All pop is a chemical s*** storm, diet or not.
  • Sarge516
    Sarge516 Posts: 256 Member
    Hey Tina, I don't know much about Stevia, but I do know that diet drinks (with aspartame) have been studied quite a bit regarding weight control. The studies have shown that diet drinks have a tendency to increase your appetite, boost stroke risk and deplete calcium. And the average soft drink throws in around 50mg of sodium too. While I personally don't think 1 drink (per day) will affect you either way, consuming several a day might lead to a problem. But since sodas don't have add any positive benefits to your health, you should cut it at your own discretion. For me, I treat myself to one diet soft drink per day. The rest of the time I drink plenty of water. I haven't noticed any weight gain with that plan. And honestly, you've gotta treat yourself sometimes.
    I like this answer.
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    Diet sodas/drinks may give you the benefit of zero sugars and low carb but the other lurking evils are super high sodium content and aspartame.

    And this right here is where the "diet soda is evil" people lose me. They're just regurgitating things they've heard, without doing any research for themselves.

    Diet sodas typically contain 25 -35mg of sodium per serving. That's about the same as the sodium content in three raw baby carrots.

    SOME people do have negative reactions to aspartame and those people should avoid it. I have a negative reaction to Ivory soap, so I don't use that particular brand. I'm not out trying to tell the rest of the world to avoid Ivory because it's 99.44% pure and the other .56% is the blood of unicorns.

    I'd agree, saying that it took only 11 posts for someone to post BS about the massive amounts of sodium in soda -- diet and regular -- TWO PERCENT OF MY DAILY ALLOWANCE?!? A DAILY ALLOWANCE THAT ISN'T EVEN ALL THAT IMPORTANT FOR MOST OF THE POPULATION TO EVEN WORRY ABOUT GOING OVER?!? AAAAHHHH!

    but, then, look at you. I mean, clearly, you've had too much soda.
