Seeking Advice

I have been on MFP for almost 2 mos now and have not really lost any weight (yo-yoing with the same 3-4 lbs). I am very happy with the changes I have made (measuring, weighing, tracking, thinking about the big picture of what I am eating, getting more active, etc.) - but I am very frustrated with the lack of tangible progress. I will admit it - I am just one of those people that needs positive feedback to keep me going. I am looking for slow, sustainable weight loss, but I would like to see a loss!

So I am hoping for some advice from more seasoned MFPers on what I can do to improve.

I am 39, 5'3", weigh 200, and work a desk job
I am aiming to lose 1 lb per week
My BMR is 1636
My TDEE is 1963 (sedentary - light active would be 2250)
MFP puts my caloric intake goal at 1460
I have adjusted my macros to 45%carbs/30%protein/25%fat - I just like to aim for more protein
My diary is public (though I have had a lot of social events in the past week :embarassed:)

I recognize that I need to drink more water and work on eating less processed foods (I do make all my family's meals, but eat out for lunch a lot). I wonder if I need to eat more (maybe 80% TDEE or 1570-1800 calories per day)? I also wonder about workouts. I was doing about 30 minutes of cardio 4x/week (slowed down a bit in the past week or 2 with back to school craziness). I wonder if I need more, something harder, maybe some weights?

Thanks for taking the time to read. I look forward to hearing your replies. :happy:


  • SergeiKay
    SergeiKay Posts: 90 Member
    looks to me that you got the basics down, good macro ratio, good caloric deficit. i'd say try kicking up your daily activity! i also have a desk job and that can be something to work around. for example, once in a while when i remember, i tense my abs for a minute or so, kind of a isometric exercise, just to use up a tiny bit of additional calories through the day.
    also, 1 lbs a week is not exactly slow, but (assuming your TDEE is right) a 500 cal deficit will get ya there.

    To sum up, use up more calories through the day and be patient, it will not be instant.
  • IveLanded
    IveLanded Posts: 797 Member
    I wouldn't eat more. I would raise your work outs. Commit to working out for an hour a day at least 5 days week. And maybe make a goal for yourself for no cheating for a month. Stop making excuses for social events and stop making excuses for dropping your work outs. THATS why you're yo yoing....because you aren't sticking with it. Give yourself a month of no cheating, eating good, sticking to calorie & work out goals, and I would bet you'd see a really nice loss. If yo yoing is your problem....the only way to break that cycle is to stop yo yoing.
  • jemachharo
    jemachharo Posts: 144 Member
    You may have the same issues I do. My body does not do well when I eat starches - breads, potatoes, etc. If I forgo them and instead have extra veggies or fruit. It is easier for me to lose on the same calorie count. I am not suggesting cutting our carbs - they are important, but if you can get your carbs in veggie and fruit form you might do better.
  • I would defrinitely get in some weight training...the more muscle you have the better the fat burn :-)
  • lmarshel
    lmarshel Posts: 674 Member
    Regardless of whether you were exercising or not, if you are staying within your calorie goal (and your diary says that you are) you should be losing weight after 2 full months. I would ask how accurately you are measuring your food and whether you diary reflects EVERYthing that you are eating. My advice would be to examine those two things. If you are religiously logging every single thing you put into your mouth and meticulously measuring (or weighing...even better) every thing you eat, then maybe it's time for a visit to the doctor. Take copies of your diary with you.

    Best of luck to you! :)
  • Don't go by the scale alone; you should also measure yourself. Since muscle weighs more than fat you could be getting leaner, but still not see much change in the scale.

    Mix up your exercise routine. Our bodies learn fast, and get accustomed to workouts we do routinely. Switch up activity, duration and intensity. Try HIIT, running and definitely add weight training a few times a week (light weights, lots of reps to build lean not bulky muscles).

    Good luck!!
  • Four_Leaf_Clover
    Four_Leaf_Clover Posts: 332 Member
    thanks all for the advice so far - I appreciate it!

    I have almost always been within my calorie goals and I am quite rigorous about weighing/measuring and tracking (which is why you see even the "bad" stuff on my diary - like a coke at breakfast or the cookies - I have a weakness for cookies). I use a digital scale and enter everything either before or while I am eating it (my family wonders what I am doing in the kitchen before dinner with my app and scale).

    I did actually see my Dr. today and she is ordering a thyroid test just to check and see if something is up.

    For now, I will try and up the workouts. I actually enjoy exercize, just have to make time for myself to get it done. I have become so used to putting everyone else before myself.
  • The_New_Christina
    The_New_Christina Posts: 818 Member

    I did actually see my Dr. today and she is ordering a thyroid test just to check and see if something is up.

    I have hypothryoidism and I've lost 20 lbs in 2 months. So unfortunately even if you do have it, weight loss is still possible within 2 months time. Slower than others, but still possible.
  • Astacia74
    Astacia74 Posts: 166 Member
    Good call on getting the thyroid checked! Even if that comes back "normal", don't give up.

    I agree with cutting the "empty" carbs in bread, pasta, etc and getting more of your carbs from fruits and veggies. Also, sticking with your work-outs and even increasing your time/output. Challenge yourself to go an extra 5-10 minutes a day.

    Some people also have better luck when they eat 4-6 small meals a day. I, personally, am a grazer. I realize that with a family this is more difficult but, may be worth trying.

    All-in-all, the most important thing is to not give up - you CAN do this :-)