Starting muscle gaining bulk- advice needed please!!

kinsellae Posts: 167 Member
edited December 30 in Fitness and Exercise
So...I'm starting a bulk that I intend to do until beginning of February. My goal is to gain 10-15 lbs. Then I will cut again. Anyway I'm needing some advice. I would like to gain as much muscle as possible, mainly in my legs. I currently lift weights 2-3 x a week and run 3x week. When I started lifting in May or so I started 3 x week full body. I now do upper body one day and lower on a separate day and sometimes only body weight exercises (push ups, squats, etc.) on that third day. Should I continue what I am doing? Or to get more lifting days in change to split with specific body parts (shoulders one day, back/hamstrings on a different day, legs..)

For exercises I do squats (different types), deadlifts, shoulder presses with dumbbells, bicep curls, flys and rows, hammer curls, calf raises. I workout at my brothers. I have a bench with an Olympic bar and weights and a set of dumbbells. Any other exercises recommended I do with this equipment?

Food: I'd like to ease into eating more so I am eating at 2000 cals. this week, then an extra 100 every week until I get to 2300 (puts me at 10% surplus). I aim to get all my vitamins in, min. of 136 g of protein, 55 min. fat and everything else wherever it lands normally end up about 60 g fat and 200 g carbs. Should I eat more protein? More fat?

Any help would really be nice! Bulking is new to me and I'm scared as all hell that I will end up just fat!

Oh and I'm 5'3 122 lbs. if that matters.

Thanks- Erika


  • Hendrix7
    Hendrix7 Posts: 1,903 Member
    Lots of questions in one post.

    Upper/lower split is fine, 10% over maintenance is sensible, macros are fine.

    Just remember to log every single set and rep then try and beat the previous weeks session. This what really matters rather than you exact training split or schedule
  • kinsellae
    kinsellae Posts: 167 Member
    Thank you.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    Your plan is roughly fine. Keep in mind that running just increases the amount of calories you need to eat to meet your surplus for muscle gain. Most people bulking will really minimize cardio for that reason. Not saying it's bad, really, just slightly counter-productive to your goals.

    Your exercises mostly look good. I would get rid of the curls and the flyes. Substitute in chins/pulls-ups and bench press, IMO. Big compound movements will be efficient and maximize muscular and strength gains. I would do a minimum of 3 days a week with big full-body compound exercises. Maybe eventually move to a 4-days split or something (upper/lower or push/pull splits with a day in between).
  • Polly758
    Polly758 Posts: 623 Member
    Your plan is roughly fine. Keep in mind that running just increases the amount of calories you need to eat to meet your surplus for muscle gain. Most people bulking will really minimize cardio for that reason. Not saying it's bad, really, just slightly counter-productive to your goals.

    Your exercises mostly look good. I would get rid of the curls and the flyes. Substitute in chins/pulls-ups and bench press, IMO. Big compound movements will be efficient and maximize muscular and strength gains. I would do a minimum of 3 days a week with big full-body compound exercises. Maybe eventually move to a 4-days split or something (upper/lower or push/pull splits with a day in between).

    What I was going to say :)

    Except if your lifting plan is going well, might as well stick with it unless you're bored or have some other reason to change. The important thing is to increase resistance every time you do an exercise (every day, not necessarily every set :smile: )

    And have fun!
  • Determinednoob
    Determinednoob Posts: 2,001 Member
    Upper lower is ok if you are doing it 2 times per week. If you are just doing each one time per week, that is gonna be slower progress. Check this out
  • Mathguy1
    Mathguy1 Posts: 207 Member
    I noticed you didnt list many back exercises (Other than the deadlifts. I dont know if you just didn't mention them or dont do them). If you dont, I recommend using the dumbell for a "Chainsaw row".. I dont know the official fitness term for this exercise but it's a great exercise for building your back. I think some sites call it a "one-arm row". I use "Chainsaw row" since your arm movement mimics starting a chainsaw (albeit much slower and without the jerking motion). I recommend searching for "Back exercises using dumbells" for other exercises. The more exercises you have to choose from, the less likely you'll get bored from doing the same exercises week to week.

    Each trainer will offer different advice. My trainer has me doing Back/Chest on one day, Biceps/Triceps, the next lifting day, and Shoulders/Legs on the last day. The first two pairings is because of the opposing muscle, or "push-pull" idea of working opposing muscle groups on the same day (it does make for weird soreness). The last pairing is because those are the two muscle groups remaining.

    Some trainers will have you work 3 muscle groups each day while some will have you work every muscle group each day. For me, working two muscle groups 3x week (so each pair is worked once/week) works well so I've stuck with it.

    Feel free to look at my exercise diaries for Tues, Thurs, and Saturdays to get some ideas for exercises.
  • kinsellae
    kinsellae Posts: 167 Member
    Thanks guys! I started running because of the bigger burn=more food I could eat :) 2000 calories is comfortable for me so I guess on non lifting days that would be good and the running wouldn't necessarily be needed (other than for cardiovascular benefits).
  • kinsellae
    kinsellae Posts: 167 Member
    Thanks for the link
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