No energy

School recentlly started, and I have had no energy since then. And I don't know why.

Over the summer i could (and would) wake up at 7 and stay up until 2 or 3 am. Not the healthiest sleep schedule I know, but thats not what we're here to talk about. I still wake up around the same time, but by the time I get home at 3you I collopase on my bed and sleep until dinner. Than go back to sleep.

My diet has stayed the same, although my eating habits haven't. Before school i would wake up and eat breakfast and lunch on a normal schedule. Since school I really only have time for a cup of coffee, fruit and/or a granola bar. I go the rest of the school day without much food beside a snack of nuts or, hey, another granola bar. When I get home though I usually make myself a lunch lunch -on like an omelet or wrap. Then I go to sleep.

I've been on/off binging on comfort food because I've also been incredibly hair-falling-out stressed.

The worst part is I can't find the energy to excerise. I could only get through half of my circuit training last night before quitting and this afternoon I tried to do an easy jog and couldn't! I couldn't even find it in me to walk the rest of my route and had to quit three quarters of the way.

What's going? Is it stress or food induced? Are there any foods I can add to my diet to get me through the day?


  • sparkle52387
    sparkle52387 Posts: 4 Member
    If all you are eating is what you are logging in your diary ... I think (keep in mind, I'm not a medical professional) you need MUCH more food! Looking back a week or so, it seems many of your meals are very carb heavy... which can cause your blood sugar to spike and then drop dramatically. Maybe try eating smaller meals more frequently and eating more protein to help stabilize your blood sugar. just my thoughts, hope it helps some!
  • printererror
    printererror Posts: 48 Member
    Haha I've been on and off logging. :embarassed:

    But I am a very carb prone person.
  • sparkle52387
    sparkle52387 Posts: 4 Member
    so am i... carbosaurus! chubby torso with short arms & legs, lol! And, I'm sure it will take time for your body to adjust to a lower amount of carbs. Right now I'm comfortable with 125-150g daily. I eat a lot of popcorn, and if you air pop it you can have quite a bit. 4 cups of popcorn has only 122 cals, 25g carbs with a nice 5g of fiber! It seems to help my night-time cravings & doesn't make me feel guilty.