Starving after working out



  • rachelerwin
    rachelerwin Posts: 140 Member
    The gym I go to always has a bowl of fruit and granola bars available. It is nice when I forget to bring a snack. I am always starving after a workout.
  • 1holegrouper
    1holegrouper Posts: 323 Member
    I'm not diabetic but I would get plenty hungry at dinner time which is generally right after my workout. I think its really just an issue of meal timing. I typically have a salad at about 4PM with ground flax seed sprinkled on and olive oil at work. Also, I drink a bottle of water before, a bottle during and a bottle after my workout. By the time I'm cooking or sitting down to dinner I now have what I would consider 'normal' control since there are fibrous veggies and flax seeds still taking up some room and since that's a light meal it does not interfere with my workout.

    ETA: this high fiber/ low glycemic approach is often recommended as an important strategy to control hormone triggered hunger pangs
  • Hickyvikki69
    Hickyvikki69 Posts: 371 Member
    sugar free protein drink during exercise...
  • denezy
    denezy Posts: 573 Member
    I'm having to work out in the evening now due to work, and I make homemade energy bars to eat right before my workout. 250 cals, 15g protein, 10g carbs, 3g fat, 2 g sugar. Then a very light dinner around 730. Works well for me :)
  • AmyBoogie
    AmyBoogie Posts: 91 Member
    During heavy workouts that I know will make me hungry I make a protein water out of my unflavored protein powder, stevia, and lemon/lime juice. It keeps me hydrated and the protein water keeps me from gnawing an arm off in hunger.
  • maureenB7
    maureenB7 Posts: 55 Member
    I drink Eas AdvantEdge Carb control protein shakes, 110 calories 4 carbs(no sugar) and 17 grams of protein. I like the vanilla or chocolate the best. It really helps me to not starve after a workout.
  • kelseyhere
    kelseyhere Posts: 1,123 Member
    I have a hard-boiled egg or low-fat string cheese about 30 minutes before the workout, or after while I'm getting dinner ready. That gets me through until dinner is done and is only 70-80 calories.
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    I am one of the protein shake brigade. Soon as I get home after a work out I make one up and drink it while fixing dinner. That way I don't snack or pile my plate up as much when dinner is ready.
  • DrDreezy
    Fat free Greek yogurt does the trick for me. A high protein fat free snack that gives me fuel for the workout, but the protein digests slowly so I'm not starving after. Also rehydrate yourself after your workout. The water rehydrates and fills your stomach temporarily while you're cooking dinner, so you feel full and don't stuff your face while your cooking.
  • bobwellsfitness
    How are you doing? It sounds like your fluctuating glucose levels are due to the fact that you are going too long without meals. This is a bad idea, for a couple of reasons.

    1. It trains your body to conserve as many calories as possible and slows down your metabolism.
    2. It leads to the aforementioned glucose level swings, encouraging you to overeat, especially those foods which contain sugar.

    A more moderate approach is called for. Dr. John Berardi of Precision Nutrition, outlines the case for consuming small meals every 2-4 hours. This keeps blood sugar levels and appetite in check. In terms of actual pre workout foods, there are a few things that you can try. Fruit, especially, bananas are a great source of simple carbs, which will provide nearly instant energy and allow you to complete your work.

    In good health,

  • anonymousKel
    anonymousKel Posts: 92 Member
    I've made a post in the food and nutrition about coconut water....very good reviews for post workout recovery. I tried it tonight and it worked a treat. I try to have a banana before but today was too early at 3 and worked out at 6 so had a few slurps of the coconut water at boxing and I was on fire tonight. Still bubbling over with energy and its half 11 here in uk.

    Give it a try

    Kel x
  • anonymousKel
    anonymousKel Posts: 92 Member
    Fat free Greek yogurt does the trick for me. A high protein fat free snack that gives me fuel for the workout, but the protein digests slowly so I'm not starving after. Also rehydrate yourself after your workout. The water rehydrates and fills your stomach temporarily while you're cooking dinner, so you feel full and don't stuff your face while your cooking.

    I'm gonna try this too ...thanks very much
  • anonymousKel
    anonymousKel Posts: 92 Member
  • bigmamajo
    bigmamajo Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you everyone! These are great suggestions. Last night I tried a Glucerna snack shake before my workout and it seemed to help. I also called home and had someone get dinner started...if only I could do that every night! I may need to cut back on my metformin because I do seem to have more sugar lows than normal since I started dieting and exercise. I do appreciate your comments, I love myfitnesspal!