Shorter Cardio/Strength Circuit v. longer lower intensity

So I have been going to the gym 4-5 days a week. I generally do about 45 mins. weight lifting and 45 mins. cardio. So i am at the gym 90-120 mins depending on the workout I am doing that day.
i.e. 10 mins cardio - warm up. 8-10 weight lifting exercises - 3 sets/12 reps - upping the weight on last set. I rest 30-60 seconds between each set. Then 30-45 mins cardio. For cardio I primarily use the elliptical on a random program.

I have recently been reading research/hearing from personal trainers/other gym members, that it would be more effective to do a higher intensity shorter workout. i.e. 12 reps bicep curl, jump rope 30 seconds - repeat 3 times; 12 tricep pushdowns, jumping jacks 30 seconds - repeat 3 times. - Until I do a full body workout targeting the main muscle groups.

My goal is to lose over 150+ lbs.

Wanted to get some more opinions. Which do you think is better? A 90 to 120 mins of a lower intensity workout, separating the cardio from strength training. Or doing a 30 min circuit that alternates cardio and strength training.

Any thoughts will be appreciated. Thanks!


  • esteelewis
    esteelewis Posts: 96 Member
    any thoughts at all?
  • kjw1031
    kjw1031 Posts: 300 Member
    I think both ways have value.

    I try to mix up my workouts so that I get some longer, pure cardio workouts, some strength training only workouts, as well as some circuit type workouts that have brief, high intensity intervals and strengthening intervals.

    I hope this makes me less likely to plateau and that it helps me to develop both strength and stamina.
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    I think that when one is relatively new it's better to separate the strength training and cardio workouts. The first priority should be form. Do the weights or weight machines first.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Yes, try it the way that's been suggested to you. Do a set, then do some type of cardio (skipping rope, floor sprints, jumping jacks, box jumps) in between each set. It's extremely effective and will help get you on your way to your goal. It's also exactly what I did when I started out trying to lose weight this year. Worked well and I stayed with it until I focused more on total strength gains than overall weight loss.
  • esteelewis
    esteelewis Posts: 96 Member
    Thanks for the feedback! I like the allure
    Of a shorter workout. Going
    To the gym 90-120 mins gets taxing. Plus it causes me
    To eat dinner late so I am starving. 45 mins I would be home by 6:30.
    I was worried I wouldn't get the same benefit out of a shorter more intense workout as I did a longer workout.
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    Thanks for the feedback! I like the allure
    Of a shorter workout. Going
    To the gym 90-120 mins gets taxing. Plus it causes me
    To eat dinner late so I am starving. 45 mins I would be home by 6:30.
    I was worried I wouldn't get the same benefit out of a shorter more intense workout as I did a longer workout.

    I think a lot of the shorter, intense workouts have been studied with athletes or people of normal weight.