Is this a great daily workout!? Share your thoughts (^_^)!

5 days a week!
Running on the treadmill . For 30 minutes. Burning over 312 calories. Distance 2 miles.
+ workout bench routine
200 crunches
50 leg lifts!



  • GemmaMcIntosh
    I wish I was as motivated as you - I can only manage 3 days a week! Well done!

    Now, I am no where near experienced enough to give you advice but I will anyway :) The instuctors at my gym came up with daily workouts for me where each day is different.
    One day is walking on the treadmill at an incline then lowering it and running. Then sit ups, medicine ball twists and those leg drop things that work your abs. Then more cardio on the arc trainer.
    Another day is rowing machine, ab work, more rowing, circuit training (mix of cardio and strength), more abs and more rowing.
    And another day is cardio on the arc trainer, circuit training and then a run on the treadmill.
    I'm bad and don't usually get all of this done in a week... but once a week I also do an hour class of Les Mills Body Combat - love it!!!!! Maybe Google it? :)

    So anyway... what I am saying is...

    I think your workout sounds pretty good and you're both doing cardio and strength but maybe you should change it up a little bit each day so you don't get bored and so your body doesn't gets used to doing the same thing every day. :)

    But like I said, I am no where near experienced enough to offer proper advice so maybe someone else has a better suggestion?