I changed my username-time to start for real.

HealthyKt78 Posts: 439
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Everyone had been suggesting I change my username to something positive. Well I finally did. Hopefully this will help a bit. I plan on running full speed ahead with my goal on January 6th. That's not to say I'll be unhealthy now. I'll work out when I can and make healthy food choices but it's hard to stick to a schedule when you're driving back and forth between your hometown and your college town because you have a seasonal job in your college town. January 6th is the day classes start back up again and I am in the process of creating a schedule (that includes when I workout and when I eat) that I can stick to. I understand this schedule will be tentative as I cannot predict the future but I'll try my best not to stray too far or to adjust accordingly when something out of the ordinary pops up. This may or may not mean I will start counting calories . Many of you already know how I feel about that and if you don't look at my previous posts or better yet in my blog. I know what is healthy and what isn't and I know when I'm eating too much. Counting just isn't for me. What I need is a plan and a schedule that I can stick to which I am in the process of creating. I need YOU (you're reading this aren't you?) to hold me accountable so I can achieve my goals. I will blog my success and frustrations as much as I can but if no one is reading it then it doesn't do me much good. =]


  • No response??? Anyone there???
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    I think your name change is an improvement, and will help you keep a more positive outlook. Hope you don't wear yourself and your car out driving for your seasonal employment. Good luck with your plans.
  • tlapdx72
    tlapdx72 Posts: 311 Member
    Good for you!!! You will do just fine. I have a hard time keeping up with counting calories, but I have cut out things like pop and sweets. Now this doesn't mean that I don't have them sometimes, but I just am careful about how often I have them. Also, if I do have them I try to do a little extra exercise. So far I have done okay with this I have almost lost 40 pounds. Good luck on your journey.:flowerforyou:
  • akb2006
    akb2006 Posts: 198 Member
    You will do great! As long as you have a good estimate on what your eating you don't really need to log everything it just helps you stay accountable for the extra bites here and there that you don't think of. An idea might be to logg everything in once a week or two and just see where you stand and if its right around where you thought (& your eating about the same things every day) you should be fine. Once you get on track its easy to stay on track or really easy to fall off track.

    I wish you the best of luck!

    ETA: I tried looking at your blog and it just pops up in a new page and says unkown user. I wonder if thats because you changed your user name maybe you need to get a new link reflecting your new name and not the old one in your siggy? I'd love to read it!
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    ETA: I tried looking at your blog and it just pops up in a new page and says unkown user. I wonder if thats because you changed your user name maybe you need to get a new link reflecting your new name and not the old one in your siggy? I'd love to read it!

    If you substitute the new login name and search for http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/HealthyKt78 the blog comes up just fine.
  • ...

    ETA: I tried looking at your blog and it just pops up in a new page and says unkown user. I wonder if thats because you changed your user name maybe you need to get a new link reflecting your new name and not the old one in your siggy? I'd love to read it!

    If you substitute the new login name and search for http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/HealthyKt78 the blog comes up just fine.

    Thanks! I changed my signature. Thanks for the support guys!
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