Did anyone happen to see Katie Couric's new show today?

healthybabs Posts: 541 Member
I must say I tuned in "just to see" what it was going to be like. Why oh why did they chose Jessica Simpson as the first guest??? I was hoping for something a little more substantive, not some bottle blond divorcee who happened to get knocked up and is having issues losing her baby weight....REALLY??? I don't think this show has legs unless the program director gets a clue!!


  • Ruthe8
    Ruthe8 Posts: 423 Member
    Who the hell even uses the word "divorcée" anymore? Why is her marital status so crucial to her identity? That was insulting.
  • HiKaren
    HiKaren Posts: 1,306 Member
    I really like Katie Couric... And if I was available at that time to watch her show. I would watch it. : )
    Yes maybe Jessica Simpson wasn't the best choice for a first guest. But maybe you could give her show more of a chance than that. Give a few days, or thru the end of this week, if your available to watch.

    It's "The Chew" on ABC at noon that I'm not fond of...

    Give us "All My Children" back... Who needs another "Food & Cooking" show anyway...
  • healthybabs
    healthybabs Posts: 541 Member
    Who the hell even uses the word "divorcée" anymore? Why is her marital status so crucial to her identity? That was insulting.
