
I recently had a baby and now I am suffering from hypothyroidism. I am a dancer and a latin cardio dance instructor plus running 2 miles every other day so I am def getting my cardio on =D but I seem to struggle with maintaining my intake. Some days I am super hungry other days I dont want to eat anything at all =S What else can i do? Does anybody suggest Herbalife?


  • Are you taking medication for your thyroid issue? is it Hashimoto's?
  • vytamindi
    vytamindi Posts: 845 Member
    If you've JUST been diagnosed, give your medicine and your body some time to get acquainted. During the hurricane two weeks ago, I forgot to take my pills for 4 days, and my body was a WRECK! Weight fluctuated like crazy, brain fog settled in, and I had NO motivation to exercise or to be consistent in my calories for almost a whole week. And my thyroid is only slightly hypo (50mcg dosage)!

    I don't really know what herbalife is, but now that you've been diagnosed, I would just run it by your endocrinologist before you make any decisions as some foods/supplements can hinder the absorption of your medicine.

    As far as hunger/lack of, I don't know what to tell you. I only eat if I'm hungry or if I know I'll be WAY under 1200 calories. Some days I just don't feel too hungry, but for the majority of the time, I do okay at meeting my goals. As long as your weekly net calories are good, I wouldn't be too worried.
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    Yeah, what the previous poster said. For me, it took about 3-4 MONTHS until I noticed a difference after starting my meds. After losing a lot of hair... and a lot of frustration, I'm finally taking the weight off. I went undiagnosed for over 4 years though and my levels were low enough to need medication back then, stupid clinic/doctors... All is well now. Give it time.
  • nmwhitney12
    nmwhitney12 Posts: 239 Member
    I was born without a thyroid. I know what it is like to be tired/hungry/nothungry a majority of the time. The best thing I can tell you is to stay very regular with tracking your levels! If not it messes a whole bunch of things up! I got off track and it took almost two years to stabilize again. Make sure you take your meds at the same time everyday! (or as close as possible) I take mine when I brush my teeth in the morning!

    And for the hunger, once your levels stabilize this kind of comes with it. I was never hungry when hypo and starving when hypo and my doc told me blood sugar levels can play a big role of this!

    Just take care of your self and keep it up!
  • vkruithof
    vkruithof Posts: 227 Member
    Like the previous posters said, keep an eye on your weekly caloric intake levels. But try to make sure that you are still getting some good protein daily regardless, your body just needs that. I have been Hypo for 25 years and take 125mcg 5 days a week and a double dose of 125mcg the other 2 days. Take your meds the same time each day and it will take a month or so for them to really level up in you, and you may have to continue adjusting them for years yet; but you'll get there. I've finally been at this level now for @ 3 yrs. Hunger still kinda comes and goes but I find it has more to do with my activity levels than anything. :o) Good luck.
  • kittyhasclaws
    kittyhasclaws Posts: 446 Member
    It took me five years to get mine stabilized. Don't just settle for cardio. If you have the option, add lifting in. Make sure you are eating enough- it's deceptive to know that most times, if you aren't eating enough, you won't be losing.
  • I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism of pregnancy after having my daughter (this was seven years ago). I was put on prednisone which didn't help at all with trying to lose the baby weight. that coupled with nine months of trying to get my synthroid dose worked out made for a horrid time. I gained forty pounds *after* having the baby. once the dosage of synthroid was figured out it took over a year to wean my body off the steroids (only 20mg a day; when I went cold turkey I went into anaphylaxis). now that I have been off both drugs for a few years, I am finally reaching the point where I feel well enough to actually start losing weight. It has been a slog as my metabolism was shot after this whole situation. it may only take you a month, or it could take longer for everything to settle. we are all different. just remember your goal. you *will* make it.
  • Ok, I have hypothyroid. Had it since I was 7 (possibly earlier). I gained 10kg in 3 months as my previous meds stopped working. I was put on a new med and the dosage was increased by 25mg.

    You need to count calories- 1200-1500 (normal cals)
    You need to work out (I don't mean going overboard in the gym, just walking to get you moving.. I know you dance, but do something a bit different for a bit. Play with your daughter in the park)

    Avoid soy products (I eat tofu once a week, but avoid other products)
    Have 5g of seaweed once a week.
    Have 60+ g of protein (I eat a load of eggs- including the yolk)
    Try to remove added sugar from your diet- while at it, remove simple carbs (usually anything white)

    Add me as a friend if you want support!
  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    I have hypothyroidism. It is quite common. My doctor has me on a bio-identical thyroid medicine. The blood work shows it's back to normal now but it was not a magic pill for losing weight for me. I still had to work hard and eat less. No magic pill exists.
  • luvs2teachincali
    luvs2teachincali Posts: 207 Member
    Hi, what are the symptoms for being hypo?

    I just had to have an EKG last Friday when I went to the doctor about possible pink eye and they found my heart rate to be really low (54). I have been taking it occasionally now the last few days and it hasn't been over 62. The doctor said that anything below 58 is considered dangerously low unless you're like an athlete... which clearly I am not! :laugh:

    I started to worry about it and looked up possible causes and hypo came up.

    I have had my thyroid tested the past two or three years and the doctors always say the results are "within the normal range."

    Anyhow, good luck to all of you!! Thanks for any advice you can give me. :flowerforyou: