I am returning...

teetee1281 Posts: 1,076 Member
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
I originally joined MFP March 2008 and I did not take it seriously. I stopped using it and luckily I never deleted my account. Since I have been overseas, I have finally gotten to the point that I am focused on my health and weight. I workout at least 4 times a week and even lift weights. This time I am putting my full effort into this, and that includes watching my food intake and eating more healthy.
The heavist I have ever been was 187, though lately I have been dancing on the fine line of 170lbs for 2 years. Personally, I thought that I wear it well, but unfortunately, according to the Navy I should be 160. So, then I can past with my body fat, and I am tired of always being border line. I want to be able to get weighed and measured and feel confident the entire time!


  • RL83
    RL83 Posts: 15
    welcome back! i'm new here but i have a similar goal as well. I'm actually looking to get into the army. You are REALLY close to your goal, dont give up!! good luck :)
  • teetee1281
    teetee1281 Posts: 1,076 Member
    Welcome too. Thank you, my goal is actually a little bigger, but I am putting them in smaller steps so I feel they are easiler achievable. I wish you the best the best with both MFP and joining the army. I tried to find deployed sailors in my area, but so far no luck, mainly because they do not have my country listed.
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