Really sore shins

I started walking more, Jacob's Ladder workout, and 30DS without any problems... Then I did a treadmill workout with power walking interspersed with jogging. I only got to my fourth minute of my jogging and my shins really started to hurt. I finished my workout by power walking up an incline with no more jogging. My shins hurt for over a week! I couldn't do jumping jacks or jump rope in 30DS because they hurt so bad.

Its been over two weeks now and I haven't run again but they still seem a little tight/sore when I power walk or jump. I have pretty new, but broken in Asic running shoes that fit me well. Today, I tried to adjust my stride so that my weight was a little further forward and I didn't step out quite as far to try and land more "middle foot". This just seemed to make it worse. I have never been a runner, except PE in class, but I still haven't ever had a twinge of this problem before.

Any help and advice, especially if it doesn't include expensive custom footwear, would be appreciated.


  • Sounds like shin splints. They are extremely painful when you exercise. I went to the physio and he gave me insoles for my shoes that seemed to help alot. But I think it depends on the individual whether or not there is anything you can do about it.
  • waronmyfat
    waronmyfat Posts: 322 Member
    shin splints are a real a pain the only way your going to get rid of them is to rub your shins and in a downward manner this is going to hurt like a beep but it will help
  • sarah_001
    sarah_001 Posts: 5 Member
    it sounds like shin splints. i went to the physio for my shin splints last week and explained my situation because i'm currently training for a half marathon and until recently the majority of training i'd done had been on the treadmill. anyway, her recommendation was to stray from the treadmill and run outside. since then i've only run on the treadmill a couple of times and definitely experience more pain than when i run outside! she also suggested filling polystyrene cups with water and freezing them then rolling them up and down my legs after a run to give them a massage/ice pack at the same time. she also suggested doing lots of calf stretches! hope this helps :)
  • longtimeterp
    longtimeterp Posts: 614 Member
    shin compression sleeves help with this a bunch. mine were by underarmor, you can see thm in my profile pic. lots of companies make them, check amazon
  • lilawolf
    lilawolf Posts: 1,690 Member
    Gosh! Shin splints after only 4 minutes of jogging? It's nothing to do with my stride?

    Do you think any insert will work (ie Dr Scholls sp?) or do they have to be special?

    How do I stretch my calves? Sit and touch my toes? Then point my toes?

    Compression sleeves sound good, I'll take a look! Ice and massage sound good too.
  • leesehm
    leesehm Posts: 117 stretch.jpg - calf stretch, hold for 20 secs and repeat twice on each leg (should be stretching not pain) Angeles Chiropractic--shin splints.jpg - this stretch can also be helpful for shin pain. same deal with times etc