How many calories are your meals?



  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    My eating pattern is weird as I tend to go to bed pretty late, as in 3-4am. So I have my breakfast before I go to sleep, lol, and that is generally around 400-500 calories of fruit, quark or greek yoghurt, flax and peanut flour, same thing everyday as I am a creature of habit. Between then and dinner, I just tend to have snacks such as hard boiled egg, organic sprouted bread, nuts and roasted chickpeas. Dinner is usually between 450 and 600 calories, almost always wild salmon, fresh tuna steak, cottage cheese, beans or frittata with at least a Ib of vegetables.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    I stopped listing my food under "breakfast/lunch/dinner/snack" and changed it to 6-9am, 9-12pm, 12-3pm etc.
    That way I enter food for the time I eat it, and I don't have to waste time thinking about if it is really a breakfast or snack meal.
    Make the system work for you!

    To answer your question - my meals are usually something like 300, 200, 500, 300, 500 cals. I couldn't survive on 1200 cals a day without murdering someone - and it's not even close to necessary for me to eat so little to lose weight, chances are that it's not necessary for most other people either.
  • rachellady
    Breakfast is 300-400.
    Everything else is about 200-300 calories.
