June Starters - December 21st

linnebooc Posts: 84 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Starting the thread this week.

No change for me for last week but at least it's not a gain.

SW - 300
LW - 266.5
CW - 266.5

I really need to get back on track. Been feeling REALLY unmotivated.


  • Mamakatspokane
    Mamakatspokane Posts: 3,098 Member
    Maintaining through the holidays is great! I'm sure come Jan 1st you'll get remotivated! Everyone in the world seems to be on a diet come Jan 1st so their are always less food pushers around and people to motivate :)

    * I'm sure I'll weigh in this Wednesday but I'm fairly off track and will be through out the rest of the year. I'm just hoping to maintain. I was just told this weekend that we are adding 2 people to Christmas and they'll be staying with us...no date of when they will actually leave. So I have last minute shopping, cleaning, laundry, etc to do...plus work, 2 kids, etc.... SO I'm cutting out workouts:cry: and changing my cals to maintenance....:indifferent: Wish me luck
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,493 Member
    I agree....maintaining during the holidays is a BIG deal and a good plan!! Starting mid December, my life got CRAZY!!!! I have been running 90 miles an hour and had WAY too many irons in the fire. I have not been to the gym ONCE!! But it is not because I didnt' want to...I just seriously had NO time whatsoever... We still have two more Christmas parties (we have already had four) and our BIG Christmas meal at my parents house... I also just realized today that my house is a total wreck... I have been running so much that I just now really looked at the place... So, today, I will be cleaning house in between everything else I still have to do...plus, I have two little kiddos hot on my heals now that school is out... I LOVE IT!!! but it does get tiring........these big holiday seasons...
    Good luck!!!! Stay focused!!!! and MUCH, MUCH luck in the new year!!! I think we should have a big REFOCUS/RECOMMITTMENT post on our first January post....
    Ok, ladies!!! Happy Weigh-Ins!!!!
  • courtney_love2001
    courtney_love2001 Posts: 1,468 Member
    Totally agree, Kandy...too much going on right now. I'm back at my parents house for the holidays so there is a) no gym b) lots of treats around c) no scale d) it's COLD hehe I'm going for maintenance until January...I wouldn't be surprised if I gained this week, though I will never know because I have no scale. Kind of liberating, actually....I've been eating crap though, and really irregularly. There is a time change from my house to my parents so it throws everything off and I eat my snack when I should be eating dinner here :grumble:

    Oh well, everyone have a great Christmas and don't worry toooooo much about dieting. I know I'm not!! Just maintaining for me :bigsmile:
  • thirtyby40
    thirtyby40 Posts: 702 Member
    I am not even in maintenance mode. I stopped logging food entirely about 2 weeks ago. I plan to start logging again in January. I am not planning to overdo it but I just need a break. I still check in daily with the boards, do my weigh ins and outside of MFP I am sticking to regular diet for the most part and working out as often as I can seem to fit it in.

    Not ideal I know. I am hoping to maintain my weight through the holidays, or even better lose. This is sort of a test for me. 18 more pounds and I will be maintaining hopefully for good. This is testing my resolve. When I am not trying to lose weight will I pay as much attention and make the right choices??

    See you tomorrow for weigh in. Wish me luck!!
  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    SORRY! I missed the ss. I have sooo much going on right now! I'm going to try to find time to update the website tomorrow. I gotta run but wanted to stop in and say hi.

    P.s. I'm trying to maintain also!
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,493 Member
    SORRY! I missed the ss. I have sooo much going on right now! I'm going to try to find time to update the website tomorrow. I gotta run but wanted to stop in and say hi.

    P.s. I'm trying to maintain also!

    Hey, everyone totally understands!!! This month is CRAZY!!!!! If you don't get around to it, its ok... :happy:
    Merry Christmas!!
  • yolie1220
    yolie1220 Posts: 223 Member
    How are my favorite losers doing this week? :tongue: Sunday was my birthday and I had to work. Even though I am pregnant and therefore should be able to eat whatever I want, I am trying not to gain 50 pounds like I did with my son! But of course my coworkers bought pie and I had a piece of chocolate cream AND a piece of apple, blah!

    I was freaking out because the other day I stepped on the scale and it said I had gained 10 pound and I am only in my 11th week! But then over the course of two days I drank more water and lost 4 pounds of water weight :) Pregnancy is so weird sometimes. Good luck with the holiday weekend everyone!! :drinker:
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,493 Member
    Pregnancy is weird like that....I retained water really easily when I was preggo... I'm sure you are doing wonderful!! Happy Birthday!!! and Merry Christmas!!
  • yolie1220
    yolie1220 Posts: 223 Member
    Why won't the tickers keep track of weight gain? They have an option for weight gain on the goals but the ticker won't move off zero. Anybody know??
  • thirtyby40
    thirtyby40 Posts: 702 Member
    No idea Yollie. It is an interesting question though. It records a gain if you lost and regained, I learned that from experience. :wink:
  • thirtyby40
    thirtyby40 Posts: 702 Member
    Well I am reporting a loss this week. I am elated. If I can do it again next week I could be in the 140's by New Years. All the more incentive to stay on top of things this week. Although I am still not logging. I think after today I wont have much time to get on the computer again until Monday anyways.

    LW: 154.4

    I will be sure to check in for weight next Wednesday, but until then I am wishing you all safe and happy holidays!!
  • Mamakatspokane
    Mamakatspokane Posts: 3,098 Member
    This week is quite a surprise:noway: We will be having company starting today til....we'll they don't actually give me notice of when they are coming (found out Sunday night) or when they are leaving but they already want KFC tonight...dinner out tomorrow. I'm praying to get some walks in but I know that if I gain next week I can take it back off....I did after Thanksgiving:wink:

    SW 176.5
    LW 144.8
    CW 142.4:noway:
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,493 Member
    Well I am reporting a loss this week. I am elated. If I can do it again next week I could be in the 140's by New Years. All the more incentive to stay on top of things this week. Although I am still not logging. I think after today I wont have much time to get on the computer again until Monday anyways.

    LW: 154.4

    I will be sure to check in for weight next Wednesday, but until then I am wishing you all safe and happy holidays!!

    THat is awesome!!! Way to go!!! :drinker:
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,493 Member
    This week is quite a surprise:noway: We will be having company starting today til....we'll they don't actually give me notice of when they are coming (found out Sunday night) or when they are leaving but they already want KFC tonight...dinner out tomorrow. I'm praying to get some walks in but I know that if I gain next week I can take it back off....I did after Thanksgiving:wink:

    SW 176.5
    LW 144.8
    CW 142.4:noway:

    Look at you!!! That's fantastic!! You Rock!!
  • Mamakatspokane
    Mamakatspokane Posts: 3,098 Member
    Where are all the June Starters? No new thread today????

    Well Christmas wasn't exactly calorie free for me but I decided to be happy about how far I've come and posted some pics on the before/after thread. Get me re-motivated after the holidays!

    Where are you ladies??????????
  • courtney_love2001
    courtney_love2001 Posts: 1,468 Member
    I was looking for it too...I don't have a scale so I don't weigh in this week. I'll start a new thread anyway!

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