Don't laugh but...



  • Fozzi43
    Fozzi43 Posts: 2,984 Member
    I thought I was reasonably fit...but it got me out of breath! :laugh:
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Should try cycling around the new forest then, that really is out of breath country.
    I have cycled for just over a year now, and oddly, just slipped into it relatively easily, but then I got a trial by fire as my bf took me straight out onto the roads to go to a car boot sale. I was pretty annoyed when we got there that he hadn't kept a close eye on whether I had managed to remain behind him and intact, lol.

    Now I cycle most days where I can, usually for an hour to two and a half hours.
    I get breathless still up hills, but then it is not for lack of fitness but rather I have emphysema.
  • Fozzi43
    Fozzi43 Posts: 2,984 Member
    I've just got back from pedalling to the shops and back, took ten minutes and bit puffed but am sure I will get better.

    I'm so glad I got it!
  • estelle74uk
    estelle74uk Posts: 465 Member
    I did exactly the same last nite!! Picked up my bike, rode it home, then me and my partner went out, he jogged whilst i rode and it was great.

    Butt hurts a little this morning but loved it!!

    Happy riding
  • gjulie
    gjulie Posts: 391
    I would love to cycle but the roads here are so damn dangerous and no cycle lanes would be taking your life in your hands!
  • Fozzi43
    Fozzi43 Posts: 2,984 Member
    I did exactly the same last nite!! Picked up my bike, rode it home, then me and my partner went out, he jogged whilst i rode and it was great.

    Butt hurts a little this morning but loved it!!

    Happy riding

    Glad you enjoyed it, it's fun!

    Thank you, I'm going out on it again twice today to go to work then get my son from sure my backside will hurt tomorrow!
  • LupaNera
    Great stuff! I believe that I am the only one completely incapable of riding a bike... I will just stick with walking. Rollerblades are out of the question if I want to get home in one piece. Crazy traffic and big streets...
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    My mother got her first bike at 38. She knew how to ride, but had grown up pretty poor in the city and never had one. Our whole family would ride together after dinner.

    Have fun!
  • lilpoindexter
    lilpoindexter Posts: 1,122 Member
    YAY!!!! I bought a bike three months ago, you will love it. It is so much more fun than walking...CONGRATULATIONS!!!!

    I have gone through two seats, I currently have a Sunlite Cloud-9 that I bought on Amazon, it really helps, but my butt still gets sore, but...I like to go on really long rides, like 30 miles, plus, so that probably has more to do with it...

    One day in the shower, I looked at my thighs, and noticed they were a little swollen, at first I was a little sad, thinking I was getting fat again, but then when I kept looking, I realized, the long quadricep muscles on the top of my legs were filling in really nice.

    I used to neglect my legs in the weight room, but after I bought my bike, I started hitting them on a regular basis, so that plus the bike rides is really making big changes...
  • beattie1
    beattie1 Posts: 1,012 Member
    I rode a bike for the first time in 45 years on holiday a couple of years ago. It's quite true that you don't forget how to ride, but you need plenty of space while you re-learn it - and don't expect much stamina in your leg muscles or bum! I found that if I went fast I was less likely to fall off, but the steering was rather "hit-and-almost-miss". After about half an hour I was reasonably under control provided I only wanted to go straight ahead.

    Enjoy!! :wink:
  • Fozzi43
    Fozzi43 Posts: 2,984 Member
    Well, I've done nearly thirty minutes of cycling today, all in 10 min slots and...

    My backside is screaming :laugh:

    I,m just about to go up to level two on thirty day shred..I thought I was reasonably fit :noway: