Fluid retention!

Anyone fancy explaining how it works? Why do you lose fluid, why does your body cling onto it, and how does it affect weight loss?


  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    The human body is mostly water. Water is an excellent material for the body to use because it is great for transporting dissolved chemicals to where they are needed, as well as for keeping organs running at their best. We lose fluids when we pee because all of the toxins being removed from the body are dissolved in liquid. We also lose fluids when we breathe.

    Water retention does not affect the body's fat loss, but it does artificially inflate scale readings. The body will hold on to water if it needs it to balance out electrolytes (such as sodium), or if it is a hot day and the body is concerned about dehydration, or if you have some sort of inflammation going on (perhaps from beginning a new exercise program), etc.