SAHM 12/21/09---12/27/09

Welcome! It's the second to last week of 2009!
As Tony Horton says, BRING IT!!

This is an open group for sahm's. We are informal with no official weigh-in's or topics. We talk abt all sorts of stuff. Join in the conversation anytime!! :flowerforyou:


  • curliegirl
    Good morning everyone! I survived the Christmas's at both my parents & hubby's! Feels like there is a weight gone from my shoulders. I actually got a wonderful gift from my mom--something I'd asked for--an album of pictures of grandparents & her & dad too. Love it!!!! Most of the time I leave there feeling so let down & sad that my parents don't know me anymore.

    So this week's goals

    Need to look at the menu & fill in some I'd not planned earlier
    WATER--I feel so parched this morning from the ham I at yesterday.
    Back to the walking--3 or 4 times this week!!!!! I can tell my energy level is low from not walking last week but one time.

    Finish Christmas cards & mail--TODAY
    Get my son's Eagle scout court of honor invitations ready for mailing tomorrow

    Play games with the kids this afternoon!

    Hope everyone's day is peaceful & productive!

  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Good morning everyone, I am off to clean the house for company tonight. And I apparently like my dermatologist too much as I have an appointment to go have my sutured areas resutured! :ohwell: Nothing like the busy days before christmas!

  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    gm! busy week this week!

    1. do not go overboard on eating this week
    2. drink lots o' water!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Goal for the week: survive.
    AF is due, and I turn into a giant wimp.
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Options can do it!!!! I know AF is a tough old lady, she's visiting me this week too, but you can stand up to her! Tell her who is boss!:flowerforyou:
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Ugh, I can't even assert to my own mother who's the boss when SHE comes to visit. Maybe AF will be a pushover this week. I don't know what I ate yesterday (probably the onions on the homemade supreme pizza), but my stomach is nothing but rotten sewage today. I'm pretty sure I'm going to die.

    Was going to have a Healthy Choice meal for lunch, but don't know if my stomach is up to it. Good thing I like chocolate Ensure.

    Okay, positive note. Did you see my sodium intake for the day? Now THAT'S stickin' it to the man!
  • Hopey1994
    Good morning everyone, I am off to clean the house for company tonight. And I apparently like my dermatologist too much as I have an appointment to go have my sutured areas resutured! :ohwell: Nothing like the busy days before christmas!


    ouch! I hope you heal quickly and are comfortable enough to enjoy the holidays. Cleaning house with sutured areas? Ouch!...
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    It is a little painful--maybe that is why I am not getting much done. Doesn't help that DH is having a very bad day and has to take off work to pick up DD from school since I will be gone. It'll shape up to be an interesting day!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    So apparently exercise is the answer to EVERYTHING. This may be TMI, but I tend to be kinda flatulent when I work out. So today, with my sick tummy, i was belching up a storm, and tasting less and less toxic. Mix that with 60 oz of water, I'm already feeling TONS better! I torched through 350 cals in under an hour.
    *Wonders what to do with her time till Grace gets up from nap*

    Sorry for being such a whiney poo poo head before, lol.
  • Silver_Dream
    Silver_Dream Posts: 1,630 Member
    Good evening ladies. Good luck on not going overboard to everyone!

    Trish, glad you are feeling better!

    I've actually put on a few pounds because I haven't been watching what I eat. Ugh! I'm working on getting back to it.
  • jrbowers83
    jrbowers83 Posts: 282 Member
    Hello ladies and welcome to a new week. Yes Stacey 2 weeks left to go in 2009 and I'm finding this new healthy lifestyle harder as it nears. I'm on at 1 am right now to avoid eating leftover Kahlua cheesecake from the Cheesecake factory. MMMM. I'm being good-drinking a bottle of water instead cuz I went to bed 1.5 glasses short. Baby keeps waking up every hour or so, and I can't seem to go back to sleep, so eating seemed like the thing to do. Glad I have my friends here to keep me from it. :wink:

    This week has been exceptionally hard to stick to. I've been gettting my exercise in, somedays just from all the running around shopping I have to do. But the healthy eating has been kinda going out the window. My husband took me to a Mavericks game on Fri. with suite tickets which = free food/drinks. So I pigged out. Well, didn't do as bad as I thought I would because I was going to go with hot dog, nachos, chicken strips the whole deal. But they actually had a fruit/veg tray and I loaded my plate with that first. After that I only had room for a hot dog and 1/4 of a pulled pork sandwich. Oh, and half a turtle candy from dessert bar. I did have 1 Dr. Pepper, and a glass of wine. But I ate nothing but fruits/veg all day that day so still stayed under in cals, over in carbs and fat though. Then we had our first Christmas party with 1 of my sister's and ordered pizza. I ate 1/4 of thin crust veggie pizza, but then splurged on extra cheese/extra beef slice of garlic butter crust pizza. On top of all that, another of my sister's is in town from Las Vegas, and she wants to go out to eat everyday, and as her "chauffeur" I feel obligated to go. Hence yesterday Cheesecake Factory ( I got a grilled portabella burger and salad with fat free vinaigrette, so not so bad. My first every veggie burger and I LOVED it!) My whole family was making fun of me for ordering THAT. My mom even said "everyone's food looks so good... except for Jaqi's BLECH". Oh well, I will live in peace knowing that I'm doing what's right for my body, and it was delicious. But my sis wants to go bowling today and order pizza, then go to Golden Corral either tomorrow or the day after Christmas. And then she also wants Olive Garden, IHOP, and Whataburger (Being from Vegas some of those restaurants aren't available there, and she said she's waited a whole year to eat there). We also have a Christmas Eve dinner and Christmas day dinner to get through, so ladies please wish me plenty of fortitude to make wise eating choices through all of this week. And if I cannot--- well, I will just have to resolve to shed these pounds after the New Year!:drinker:

    Good luck to all of you! If I'm too busy to get back on in the next few days Merry Christmas!:flowerforyou:
  • jwebb593
    Hi, I am new to this site but would love to join this group.
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Gm everyone! Silver- it's ok! You have had some serious stress in your life, so it's understandable that you fell of hte wagon a little bit!

    Welcome jwebb! This is a great bunch of ladies!

    I went a wee bit over on the calories yesterday, only like 100...hopefully not too detrimental. How is everyone else??
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    Hello ladies and welcome to a new week. Yes Stacey 2 weeks left to go in 2009 and I'm finding this new healthy lifestyle harder as it nears. I'm on at 1 am right now to avoid eating leftover Kahlua cheesecake from the Cheesecake factory. MMMM. I'm being good-drinking a bottle of water instead cuz I went to bed 1.5 glasses short. Baby keeps waking up every hour or so, and I can't seem to go back to sleep, so eating seemed like the thing to do. Glad I have my friends here to keep me from it. :wink:

    another of Olive Garden, IHOP, and Whataburger (Being from Vegas some of those restaurants aren't available there, and she said she's waited a whole year to eat there). u

    first--yay you for doing fruit and veges first. and for coming on here.
    throw out the extra cheesecake. that's what my dh has me do. it's **painful** but better than having it call your name all day and night.
    secondly--i live in Vegas too--so what is your sis talking about?! there are ihops all over and at least 2 olive gardens. plus 2 cheesecake factory's. sooooo she can go to whataburger and the rest you can drop her off or tell her to go when she gets back home :tongue: seriously.

    to help you with food--based on what you've written--skip the bread/garlic bread etc. you tend to really like the rich/salty meat so let that be your holiday indulgence and skip the bread stuff that you really can have any time of year (like maybe as a treat on valentine's day?). also, if pop or wine is your other "weakness", then plan which you will have at which party. meaning plan on wine at xmas eve and water and then dr p and water on xmas day. kwim??

    anyway, this is a busy time of year for you, i can see. so wish you the fortitude to keep making good choices at every opportunity. and have a merry xmas!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    Hi, I am new to this site but would love to join this group.

    welcome! come chat anytime! our conversations are not limited to healthy living btw. but we all get the special effort it takes as sahm's to put getting healthy higher up on the list of things to do. :flowerforyou:
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    nicolee--100 is no biggie. 1000 is!!
    i haven't even logged my evenings for the last few days--ghiardelli triple chocolate brownies....i seriously have a self destructive chocolate carb problem!! ok, maybe not a PROBLEM. but def a lack of willpower and learning lessons. if boy dsn't eat that last brownie soon, it's going in the trash! and ate mcd cheeseburger and small fries for lunch. and frosted flakes red. sugar for dinner. hmmmm see a pattern here??
    i wasn't even going to admit my crap but secret snacking is even and unhealthier behavior for me. (thank g-d i never smoked or did drugs---i would so be an ADDICT!) anyway, no 'it's ok's" and no kick in the pants, please. i know it all already and just have to commit to myself. it's gotta come from within.

    went to bed at 7:30 last night. boy was in bed at 5:30. that was NICE!
    i know i'm rambling...just letting my oatmeal digest a minute before i do KenpoX. it's one of the easier p90x workouts. boy and i have gymboree (again) and then i don't know what else we'll do....
    hope you all have success getting finished up for xmas and at your parties! wishing you blessings this holiday season! :flowerforyou:
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Looking forward to getting a walk around the mall in today, provided Nellie behaves. Bro in law has therapy, so I drop him off & go walk laps. Planning on getting a wii workout in, too.
    Dropped another pound (unheard of during AF week, right?)
    Going to push to get at least 90 oz of water down the gullet today, maybe there's still time to get down to 228 by Friday, but I won't be too upset if I don't.

    Funny Grace moment earlier this morning: She was sitting on my lap & smelled funk. I asked her if she was poopy and she nodded, yes. LOL. Silly kid. Why couldn't you tell me before you made dukey?
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    kenpo x done.
    off to shower
  • shera426
    shera426 Posts: 227 Member
    Nicolee- no sweat on the 100 over, like stacey said it's the 1000+ days you should be worried about. Go for a walk to day to offset your 100 and you'll be feeling great!

    So far my holiday overeating has been under control. We are driving down to spend christmas with my grandparents and I don't think there is going to be an abundance of junk food. They are 80 years old so not much in their house as far as sweets or anything that unhealthy.
    However I do plan on making cookies at my house today just to take them with us. I am allowing myself 2 cookies and that's it. the rest are for the kids and santa.
    I hope everyone has a great holiday, we are driving early tomorrow morning so I don't think I will be on much today. Lots to get ready and pack
  • Silver_Dream
    Silver_Dream Posts: 1,630 Member
    Stacey, I hear ya on the food. I eat so much at the beginning of the day that I'm still full at dinner time. I do have some stress in my life, but some of it I'm asking for. there are things going on with my guy and I. He doesn't know I know, but I know about teh girls he's talking to online and talking about meeting up with. Why do guys think women are... what's a good word.. I don't want to use stupid, but ugh... seriously? You leave your stuff signed on on your girls computer and you think she won't look?? It's a dating site, of course i'm gonna look and see what he's up too! Ugh..

    Trish, good luck with the laps.

    I forgot who had the like zillion places to go to eat for christmas. but all I can say is Good Luck!

    Shera, good luck with only eating 2. Have fun at your grandparents.