Buy little plates

I was reading a bunch of posts about how hard it is to stop cravings and how hard it is to just eat small portions. I like things like ice cream and often eat just a little - like a quarter cup or less. And I'm good with that.

It really, really helps to have little tiny bowls. You know those little tiny ones they use in restaurants? I put two spoonsfuls of that in the kitchen, put away the ice cream, and walk into the living room to eat it.

If I'm eating something as a treat like crackers or a few chips, I also put them in a bowl or on a plate and LEAVE THE ROOM so I can't stick my hand back in for seconds.

At dinner I have some 'luncheon' size plates that are a bit smaller. You can really fill them up and still have small portions. Dumb, but it really makes it easier.