help! I think I'm skinny!

I've decided that one of my problems in generating motivation is that I have some kind of mild dysmorphia where I look in the mirror and think I'm normal. I know intellectually that a 5'5" woman who is almost 200 lbs is overweight and the rest of the world sees me as fat and even in photos, I can see that I'm not attractive but when I look in the mirror naked, I don't see that. I think I look normal and I can jog for over an hour, I can do a zumba class without stopping, I can bike with my daughter trailing behind for miles and miles. So, this misconception over my appearance and weight stop me from dedicating myself the way I would like to so that my appearance would match the idea of myself that I have in my head.

Anyone else have this problem? Any suggestions for countering it?


  • Aventuria
    It's similar for me. When I look in the mirror, I don't see a skinny person, but I never see myself as big as I truly am.
    When I see pictures of myself I'm actually always devastated by the big woman looking back at me. :noway:

    But that's exactly what I'm doing. Looking at pictures and seeing the problem motivates me to really get skinny. At least I don't have to be afraid of always thinking I'm too big... :wink:
  • brevislux
    brevislux Posts: 1,093 Member
    You're definitely in good shape, and you feel good about the way you look. Sounds great to me. :)
    Your BMI alone doesn't say much about your health and the percentages of fat/muscle in your body. Perhaps that's something to look into?

    First - be happy that can look in the mirror naked and be happy about what you see, not many women could say that.
    So what's your motivation? If you want to look better to other people, well, that's fine - but I don't think the process should include lowering your self esteem, but rather some external goal (fitting into outfits for example).
  • dcglobalgirl
    dcglobalgirl Posts: 207 Member
    I think I studied Art History for too long . I've seen so many images of women who look like me in paintings from times when heavier was considered more attractive so I can imagine that I look like a Rubens or Raphael woman even though I know that that is not the attractive standard today.

    I do want to fit into clothes and I want to be happy with the way I look in my clothes and to the world. And I'd like to feel that I was attractive to men today because I definitely don't feel that. I'll try and focus on the photos.