My target calorie intake is 1410...anyone else?

After doing some looking around on other sites with calorie calculators it seems that my number is kind of low. One site that I put my info into said that for fat loss I should be eating 1899 and for extreme fat loss I should be eating 1760. Why such a difference between that and what MFP has given me for my calorie goal? I'm not having a terribly hard time staying close to the 1410...some days I'm over a bit and some days I'm under a bit. I just want to know if I'm ok eating in that range. I know I've read in several posts to not go under 1200 per day and I only think that's happened with me once and I have no idea how I managed that lol. I just wanted to see who else is in this same range and how it's working out for everyone!


  • DreamerZenko
    DreamerZenko Posts: 59 Member
    Mine told me originally 1500, but that wasn't working for me so I went to 1400. I tried doing 1300 but it left my body feeling kinda week so I went back to 1400. And that kinda works for me. I guess you could try it and see how it works for you- then adjust it like I did. And yes, never go under 1200.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    The plan that worked best for me is found in this topic:

    There are links there to another website that helps give you more precise targets for daily calories and goals than MFP, and I was able to manually change my settings here to reflect what I learned there. It's a great companion to MFP!

    I'm currently set at 1800 a day, which is in between my BMR and my TDEE. I'm not super anal about my numbers anymore because I know that as long as I fall in between those two numbers and hit all my macros (the right amounts of protein, fat & carbs), I'm good. With this program I'm not super concerned about eating exercise cals back either - it's all figured in, I just make sure that my net cals for the day are at least at my BMR, or preferably above it.

    Check out the topic - tons of info, it's a lot like drinking from a fire hose at first, but read it again if necessary. Grab a tape measure, get all your info and plug it into the tools. There's also a group for that topic here at MFP, and a Facebook page as well.
  • phynyxfyre
    phynyxfyre Posts: 145 Member
    check your basal metabolic rate and your total daily energy expenditure (mbr and tdee) online. Do not go below your basal metabolic rate, but shave off 15-20 percent of your total daily energy expenditure. You will have a deficit and be able to lose weight in a healthy manner. MFP does not count your exercise into your deficit. It assumes you will only be eating less to lose weight, so you will need to eat back most of your exercise calories. If your goal is to lose 2 lbs a week, the typical setting is 1200 (that I have seen). I assume that this calculation is based on a 2000 calorie per day diet and trying to drop 1000 calories per day to do it, but sticking with baseline recommendations not to go below 1200 for those not under doctor supervision or really short.
  • LittleBallofFurr
    LittleBallofFurr Posts: 242 Member
    I hear what you are saying! I have been all over sites and gotten a range of numbers from 1680-1950. I tried another site and I GAINED weight on their recommendation. I have only been on MFP for 4 days now, (and they have me at 1200, i usually end up at about 100 over) but I have lost 4lbs in those 4 days. Im sure a good slice of it was water weight but still.... I guess I am settling for Its working so im not going to question. the advice above pretty much sums it up. At any rate, GOOD LUCK!!
  • The plan that worked best for me is found in this topic:

    There are links there to another website that helps give you more precise targets for daily calories and goals than MFP, and I was able to manually change my settings here to reflect what I learned there. It's a great companion to MFP!

    I'm currently set at 1800 a day, which is in between my BMR and my TDEE. I'm not super anal about my numbers anymore because I know that as long as I fall in between those two numbers and hit all my macros (the right amounts of protein, fat & carbs), I'm good. With this program I'm not super concerned about eating exercise cals back either - it's all figured in, I just make sure that my net cals for the day are at least at my BMR, or preferably above it.

    Check out the topic - tons of info, it's a lot like drinking from a fire hose at first, but read it again if necessary. Grab a tape measure, get all your info and plug it into the tools. There's also a group for that topic here at MFP, and a Facebook page as well.

    I'm going to go check this link out now! I feel like I'm doing pretty well, I just wanted to make sure I wasn't the only one with a lower number to hit. Thanks so much for the replies everyone!
  • DawnEH612
    DawnEH612 Posts: 574 Member
    I hear what you are saying! I have been all over sites and gotten a range of numbers from 1680-1950. I tried another site and I GAINED weight on their recommendation. I have only been on MFP for 4 days now, (and they have me at 1200, i usually end up at about 100 over) but I have lost 4lbs in those 4 days. Im sure a good slice of it was water weight but still.... I guess I am settling for Its working so im not going to question. the advice above pretty much sums it up. At any rate, GOOD LUCK!!
    1200 calories is the minimum default setting. You should either follow link suggestions in this post or use the MFP to calculate your BMR.. That is the BARE MINIMUM you should eat(net, not gross) in a day. If ou work out, ALWAYS eat back your exercise calories.. So if your BMR is calculated at 1410/day but you exercise and burn 300, you really need to eat a total of 1710 calories/day just to net your 1410 BMR...
    I have figured out that most days I exercise I need to eat about 1700-2000 calories/day... Even on my one day off when MFP says I should only eat 1410/day, I eat higher, like 1700-1800 calories. It's worked for me so far!