Hi...day two am feeling a little shaky already, this normal?

Im really struggling with food choice as im a extremely fussy eater, anyone got any ideas?


  • SkippylouB
    SkippylouB Posts: 8 Member
    Depends what you mean by fussy, what sort of food do you usually eat?
  • to be honest all junk..
  • My best advice would be to google recipes for a while! Visit some blogs like www.Skinnytaste.com and find recipes that look appealing. I guarantee you can find so delicious meals to replace the junk that you are craving! You can do it gradually, like switching to diet soda, or low fat ice cream, etc. and watch your portion sizes! Just keep at it, it gets easier! Check out the recipes section in the forum on this site, that should give you some ideas too!
  • Thank you very much Ill take a look :smile:
  • sherrirb
    sherrirb Posts: 1,649 Member
    Wildmustng87 is right, find recipes on sites like skinnytaste.com or even here on the message boards.

    I was a junk food junkie too for many years, but I'll tell you what... You are going to find some FANTASTIC recipes, some that are so easy its gonna surprise you, that taste SOOOO MUCH BETTER than anything you could get fast food. You must be willing to cook and often cook from scratch.

    Crockpot recipes that are super easy, throw everything in and turn it on! Then spend the rest of the day smelling those wonderful aromas!

    Salsa Chicken in the crockpot is my most recent favorite that I found here on the message boards.

    5-6 boneless skinless chicken thighs
    3 cups your favorite salsa
    1 bag frozen corn
    1 can black beans

    Throw it all in the crock pot and cook on high for about 6 hours. Take the chicken out and shred it with a couple forks, put it back into the crock, stir and let the chicken warm in the crock as it may have gotten cold as you shredded it. Serve over rice or in low fat soft taco shells with your favorite taco toppings.
    As long as you dont go nuts with the cheese and sour cream, this is pretty low in calories, good source of protein and ABSOLUTELY DELICIOUS!!!

    The Recipes section on this message board has hundreds if not thousands of great recipes just like this one!

    Don't look at this as what you can't eat...... Look at this as what you CAN EAT! :happy:
  • No, feeling shaky is not normal - are you eating enough calories?

    Re what to eat that's not junk, the best advice I can give is to learn to cook. Spend time on recipe websites or reading cook books, try out the things you like the look of, and even some of the ones you don't... your taste buds will soon adapt to eating real food, and the junk food you used to love will start to taste like the *kitten* that it is :)
  • Jensenhouse
    Jensenhouse Posts: 2 Member
    Shakey!!?? That is your blood sugar talking to you!! You need to cut calories- NOT ELIMINATE them. Choose light string cheese, hard boiled egg whites, light yougurt, pickles, cucumbers, (lettuce) if you like to snack on that!!
    But don't give up. YOU are the only one who can change YOU!! If you fail miserably at lunch, don't quit til tomorrow. Make your next one a better choice. It is all about choices-just depends which one you take!!
    I am too a picky eater so I go with what I like, and have lots of it. Recent favorite snack of mine is microwave popcorn. Light is available and delish!! So if your favorite thing is snickers bars...well...then you may need to limit them to a snack size one a day instead of a KING size :)
    And there are a million resources at your finger tips- just google it!!!
  • Jensenhouse
    Jensenhouse Posts: 2 Member
    Shakey!!?? That is your blood sugar talking to you!! You need to cut calories- NOT ELIMINATE them. Choose light string cheese, hard boiled egg whites, light yougurt, pickles, cucumbers, (lettuce) if you like to snack on that!!
    But don't give up. YOU are the only one who can change YOU!! If you fail miserably at lunch, don't quit til tomorrow. Make your next one a better choice. It is all about choices-just depends which one you take!!
    I am too a picky eater so I go with what I like, and have lots of it. Recent favorite snack of mine is microwave popcorn. Light is available and delish!! So if your favorite thing is snickers bars...well...then you may need to limit them to a snack size one a day instead of a KING size :)
    And there are a million resources at your finger tips- just google it!!!

  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    My advice would be to not try to change everything all at once. Presumably you want this to be a lifestyle change, not just something temporary that you're not going to be able to keep up with. For me, if I'd gone and made lots of radical changes all at once, I don't think I would have lasted this long. I started off just trying to fit into my initial calorie goal. To do that, I had to start making a few small changes right away; I found easy substitutions to make. As time has gone on, I've made more and more changes to my diet, changes that I know I can sustain.

    Look at your diary, and see what seems to be the "worst" parts about the way you eat now. Think about what are the most important changes for you to make, and focus on those first. It might be cutting back on sodium, or sugar, or getting more protein or veggies in. Make sure you're still eating food that you like, so that even though you're eating healthier, you still enjoy your meals enough to keep eating like that. This really is a great opportunity to discover new foods that you wouldn't even have thought of before! If you're really feeling hungry, try to fill up on vegetables, drink lots of water, get a lot of protein, and enough fat. Those kinds of foods should help you to feel full and satiated. I don't know if you're feeling shaky because of cutting out all junk suddenly, but make sure you're getting enough to eat too. I started out at 1200 calories, which is what MFP calculated as my goal. I did have a lot of problems with tiredness and dizziness that got better when I increased my calories. Cutting out junk is one thing, but make sure you replace it with enough healthy food.
  • Hi thanks for your post today and yesterday Ive had around 1600 calories.
  • Dudarfst
    Dudarfst Posts: 9 Member

    I get shaky too, it is low blood sugar. The bad thing is, that you only notice low blood sugar levels when it is too late, you will feel shaky by then. Try eating small portions regularly, like an apple between breakfast and lunch. Basically, any type of fruit will boost your sugar levels very quickly, so just pick your favourite :-)
    Good luck!
  • Aehisme
    Aehisme Posts: 60 Member

    Perhaps get you self some friends and check their diarys to see what they are eating -i've sent you a friend request, please feel free to have a look at mine- I try to eat healthy; today I had chicken pasta home made - I have in the past had the shakes if I haven't eaten enough, I know how uncomfortable they can be. keep a cereal bar or something similar to had for these occasions.
  • Thank you Dudarfst, i will try that, Ive just finished my second day, but i had to go buy a energy drink, still under my daily target tho =]
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    To avoid the shakes, try eating more protein, and change your carb choices to the more complex kind. So for breakfast, instead of cereal with milk and a banana (just giving a for instance, haven't checked your diary), you could have a couple eggs and a slice of toasted 100% whole wheat bread with a skim of peanut butter.

    And I agree with trying not to change everything at once - that's not sustainable as this shakiness will just make you feel like you can't do it and you end up going back to your old ways in order to feel more "normal". Try to do something new every week like try new recipes, eat more fruits and veggies, up your water, work on activity, etc.

    Good luck!
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    P.S. Just thinking your food choice description reminds me of my Hubs. He's all about the junky foods but has done geat with the changes I've made to our meals. Some simple things you can do that won't alter the taste too much:

    Switch to leaner meats - this doesn't mean you have to go ground chicken/turkey but use the leanest ground beef you can find, at least 90%. And use less meat - if the recipe calls for 1.5 pounds, just use 1 pound. If you like sausage, pepperoni and hot dogs, the turkey versions of those are pretty good. My Hubs never noticed a difference.

    Switch to healthier pastas and rices - Hubs isn't fond of brown rice but if I mix white and brown half and half, he doesn't notice. For pasta, I like either whole wheat pastas or the Ronzini Smart Taste brand.

    Add more veggies. If you don't like the texture, try pureeing them so you still get the nutrients. Also, if you don't care for veggies that much, try cooking them in different ways. I hate mushy canned veggies but love fresh or frozen. And you don't just have to boil - try steaming, roasting and grilling.
  • Thank you MinnieInMaine for the great advice, im a complete newby when it comes to diets after all i bet you can guess my usual food choice from my username.
  • EnchantedEvening
    EnchantedEvening Posts: 671 Member
    Try some peanut butter. I hope you feel better soon.

    I agree with the others. Start slowly and work your way there. I started by switching to diet soda and stopped eating fast food. Then I started walking a half-hour a few times per week. Then I moved onto fixing my breakfast choices. Then lunch. Then dinner. THEN I went a whole day with healthy choices. Then I increased my exercise. I reduced my calories by 200-300 per week until I got to the right level. Then I stopped drinking diet soda and switched to nothing but green tea and water. I don't even like soda now, even diet.

    If you do this, it will be much easier to stick with it, and it becomes habit a lot easier.

    I used to eat a lot of junk too. I still have it once in a great while, but I've noticed I feel AWFUL after I eat junk now. My body craves healthy food instead! It's kind of funny. I never would have believed it if you'd told me that six months ago. So even if I do allow myself to have some cheesy breadsticks or something, I feel like crap after eating only a couple, and then I wonder why I even bothered.

    You'll get there. :) I promise. Just take baby steps, and make sure you eat every couple hours to avoid a shaky crash. I really like keeping string cheese and nuts handy.
  • I'm a diabetic - type 2 so get very shaky if I haven't eaten enough or kept my blood sugar level up.... my advice would be to try and cook the foods you love only low fat versions.. there are so many fab recipes online

    Also, when you do feel shaky..eat... but try and make it a few grapes or an apple or a pear.. I know its hard but my 'pick you ups' these days are low calorie but higher in natural sugar.. #

    Its bloody tough but once you get into this routine it will become second nature to reach for a piece of fruit or plain cracker or something rather than a packet of chips or a high cal burger or something...

    Good luck.. and if that doesn't help maybe you should get your bloods tested.. just to make sure you're not borderline diabetic or something..
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    First take small steps. Set small goals for yourself like instead of regular soda switch to diet and then go with water. Instead of regular string cheese go with light version. Try adding salad to every meal you have and instead of 3 large meals try 5 smaller meals. If you don't like eating breakfast try eating one day a week a nice healthy breakfast and then make it 2 days. Just take small steps. Being a junk food junkie is a hard habit to break. I never at completely healthy all the time either. I sure do try but we all fall off the wagon now and then. I started with MFP and needed more structure than just counting calories so joined WW. I lose on average 1.9 lbs a week since doing WW. They tell you set small goals. If you fall back don't beat yourself up over it. Recognize where you went wrong, learn from it and move on. Just DON"T give up!! You can do it and you're worth it. :flowerforyou:
  • Thx Mommyv45 for your words of encouragement just what i need :smile: