I have been at this for about a week

I am new to this, found this while searching online to find out why I was getting headaches from dieting. I was still eating but I just was trying to take out more calories, well when I found this.. it amazed me that I know hardly anything about dieting or anything. Of course all of this is new to me completely because I have recently had more and more trouble with my weight and feel as if I am overweight. It all started with my Pregnancy and had to gain weight. I gained about 20 lbs total during my pregnancy, then postpartum I started to try to do things that would help me loose weight. Like breast feeding and what not. I was told that if I breastfed I would loose some of my post partum weight well I had to take in alot of calories to make milk so I don't know what happened in the six months that I breastfed but I didn't loose anything. Since then it's been a battle, I was put on a long term birth control which has not helped. I seem to just be gaining. So when I found this I was hoping recording I would make progress. But so far I have been going over my calorie intake that I aimed for because it makes me too shakey and I get a headache if I don't eat enough for either my blood sugar or something and it is agonizing to have to live with those headaches. I tried to endure the headaches for a while but I could not do it anymore. since then my calorie intake has been higher because my body will just freak out. I am training to go on a half marathon run. So I am hoping that will help. I am also thinking about loosing the birth control cuz I have tried it for 2 years now and it seems to make me gain more and more or maybe hightens my appetite or something. I also bough some diet spary that is supposed to be good for dieting but I think as long as I am on the birth control I will not be loosing anything. Every week it seems more and more I am gaining another 5 pounds or something. I got really depressed when I last weighed in which was really high for me and I just cannot take this anymore so I am going to be seeing a doctor to take care of the birth control issue and to check and see if I am overweight because at this point I think I am.


  • alicia0416
    alicia0416 Posts: 274 Member
    @ cnsusan....

    I suffered from headaches for YEARS!!!!! mine was a little bit of my eyes, and poor diet..... I got glasses which helped A LOT!!!!! Also, since I have a regular workout, they seem to come only once in a blue moon.......

    Question: Did you all of a sudden stop drinkin soda? (this DOES cause major headaches)

    Also, When I was 17 the doctor put me on birthcontrol for my cramps. I gained weight QUCKLY!!!!! Went from 185 to 220 in a matter of months... When I quit taking it, I didn't loose the weight until I began to workout....

    Hope this helps!!!!

    Lots of luck sweetie!!!!