How Do you get rid of cellulite



  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Everyone says eat healthy but all i eat is salads for lunch eggs, for breakfast and lean cuisine for diner because i just dont really know what to eat so i know that those are my safe choices :/ Breakfast I got done but lunch and dinner its like what do i do

    Come visit my facebook page. I will show you how to eat healthy and not diet. :)

    Thanks for the link!!
  • sudione

    Please don't eat eggs! Unless if you eat egg whites. The yolk is good to eat only a couple of times a week. It is filled with fat and cholestrol! There is so much to eat out there.....roasted salt free nuts...salads with no dressing....grilled turkey...grilled chicken...baked sweet potatoe (yammm!) Soy Milk, Greek fat free yogurt (filled with protein) you CAN eat. Just enter whatever you want to eat FIRST into MFP to see if it fits your cals and your fat and your sugar in your diet. Good luck, sweetie! :):laugh:
  • erin_zuk
    erin_zuk Posts: 226 Member
    lift weights.
    then lift heavier weights.

  • kaylabrianna
    For thighs/legs, SQUATSSQUATSSQUATSSQUATS!!! I can't STRESS ENOUGH how much they have helped me! I am completely cellulite free from doing 50+ squats a day!
  • banks89202
    I still have cellulite, but I pretty much only see it when I have horrible lighting, like the dressing rooms at Kohls.

    OMG I hate Kohls dressing room lighting!!!! It makes you look horrible LOL!
  • MsQt
    MsQt Posts: 793 Member
    Everyone says eat healthy but all i eat is salads for lunch eggs, for breakfast and lean cuisine for diner because i just dont really know what to eat so i know that those are my safe choices :/ Breakfast I got done but lunch and dinner its like what do i do

    Come visit my facebook page. I will show you how to eat healthy and not diet. :)

    I just liked your page on FB! =D
  • grassette
    grassette Posts: 976 Member
    Get a little plastic pad with bumps on it, like you see in the French magazines, and massage it away when you take a shower. Creams and lotions that contain caffeine are also supposed to be good. It is called peau d'orange, and French magazines are the only ones that discuss this problem and offer solutions for it.

    Vichy says about it: Today, many women are preoccupied by this unattractive aspect of their skin commonly known as “peau d’orange” (or orange peel). When the body accumulates more fat than it is capable of using, the fat cells (called adipocytes) can swell and become up to 60 times bigger than their normal size. This is what creates that irregular padded texture on the surface of the skin.
    However, cellulite is not only the result of a diet problem. In fact, in most cases, the change in the skin’s texture is caused by three types of cellulite. The first one is adipose cellulite, caused by excess lipid volume. The second is aqueous cellulite, caused by swelling produced by water retention. And the third one is fibrous cellulite, caused by hardened collagen fibers that surround the adipocytes.

    What to do:

    Make sure you have a balanced diet and exercise regularly. These two factors are essential to help you fight cellulite. You can also use body care products that will provide pleasant and efficient support. Choose lotions and creams that contain caffeine since this substance has been proven to reduce the size of the adipocytes and lessen the appearance of orange peel skin. Massaging the skin when applying the product also stimulates the lymph-drainage, it improves water circulation throughout the body and limits swelling. Finally, exfoliate your skin regularly to eliminate irregularities on the surface and smooth it out.

    An example of a massage to increase circulation and lymph flow in the thighs is here. It's in French, but you can still figure out the massage technique used by watching the demonstration:

    This is another one. You can see the massage pad starting at 8 minutes. Then she demonstrates massage techniques. Then she concludes by recommending that you mix coffee ground and olive oil, 50-50 and massage it on your legs several times a week. The grounds act as an exfoliant, and the coffee stimulates the circulation of the blood and lymph fluids.
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    Everyone says eat healthy but all i eat is salads for lunch eggs, for breakfast and lean cuisine for diner because i just dont really know what to eat so i know that those are my safe choices :/ Breakfast I got done but lunch and dinner its like what do i do

    Come visit my facebook page. I will show you how to eat healthy and not diet. :)

    Thanks for the link!!

    You are quite welcome! I have lots and of MFP peeps on there.
  • SaraBiston1
    SaraBiston1 Posts: 45 Member
    Hello dear,
    Lose weight by burning more calories. Yoga and deep breathing is an exercise that you can practice to help you smooth out cellulite. Exercises like swimming, walking, stair stepping and even dancing will facilitate burn calories and these exercises can help remove cellulite from the legs. Try cellulite massages. Massage the portion where you feel cellulite. i hope this will help you out.
  • sunlover89
    sunlover89 Posts: 436 Member
    Lower body fat! And its very important to do resistance work for your legs, squats, lungest etc. It DOES work, but there is not magic trixk. Just hard work and comsistancy. Also drink loads of water.
  • grassette
    grassette Posts: 976 Member
    People are missing the point! Cellulite are fat cells where there is no circulation of either blood nor lymphatic fluid. It is rigorous massage to break down the barriers and get things flowing that will make the difference.