trying to stay healthly and gain weight safely with pregnanc

stringangel29 Posts: 17
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself

new to this site. I am pregnant with my secon child, working full time and trying to stay heathly by eating right and exercise while pregnant. I have found if I do not write down what I have eaten for that day, I use the pregnancy as an excuse to just eat whatever and whenever I want. Looking for support during this process and after I have the baby to get back to pre-baby weight.


  • Good for you! It's so easy to use the "Im pregnant" excuse and gain an extra 15 or 20 lbs throughout the pregnancy! Not only are you going to be healthier, but so will your family. I did my best to control myself during my second pregnancy (especially since I had gained almost 40 lbs. with my first!!) and it was helpful. I managed to only gain about 25 lbs with my second baby.
  • that is what I hope to gain too, although I am bigger than I was when I got pregnant with my first child. I too gained about 40 lbs that first time around. What did you do differently the second time around? I hope writing down what I eat is going to be the backbone in all this! thanks for the reply!
  • The second time around I had a baby to deal with while being pregnant. That was the biggest difference. I couldn't lay on the couch and eat all day since I had a demanding child. I was a stay-at-home mom back then and I would purposely keep a busy schedule to prevent getting into that state of doing nothing. I'm sure that by keeping track of what you eat you will see a big difference this time around!
  • slightingscale
    slightingscale Posts: 1,209 Member
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