new girl ..sort of :)

Hi ! I'm Jessa and I'm really ready to lose this stubborn weight! Took my first step and joined the gym tonight! :) Would love to make some new friends here in the same boat as me :)


  • Hi Jessa...I'm sort of new myself. Made the decision to really try to eat healthier and exercise more...need to lose about 50lbs. Would love to be your friend on MFP!
  • I'm new to this also and have around 50lbs to lose plus but taking small steps as don't want a quick fix need a permanent one!
  • I'm new here too & would like some friends to go along this exciting & challenging journey with me as well! I am ready for a new happier life! I am not ME in this state of mind. I am ready to find myself again & start living the life I know I'm capable of living! It's amazing how a few pounds in the wrong direction completely change the way you feel aout everything in life, from confidence in your marriage, to the clothes you wear & so on! It's kind of like a little gray cloud looming over my head each day. I want a permanent change for life! :) I know we can do this! We're the only ones who can! Best of luck to us all!!
  • I am new today! I want to not just try at fitness and health, I want to excel at it!

    would love to be friends~!
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    hey jessa - congrats on joining the gym that is a huge first step!

    Do you have a work out and meal plan in place? May sound kind of lame but I actually keep a journal of my daily weight and work out progress...

    Feel free to add me if you like..I am not an expert but in 2005 I was about 210 and now I am 170 with about 17% body feel free to pick my brain for any tips or questions you may have :)
  • Joining the gym is the first step - so kudos to you! I really enjoy working out, so feel free to add me as a friend. I'm more than happy to give you tips/advice if you'd like (not that I'm an expert at all).
  • sixlegs
    sixlegs Posts: 10 Member
    i've been here for about two months, but im always open to making friends! i want to lose about 30, with 8 already down :D good luck~
  • hi All. Im in the same boat. I recently gained nearly 50 lbs. completely let myself go. I feel like I lead the life of a gluten between food and alcohol. I dont ever feel GOOD, I dont feel like myself and am just ready to be truely content and happy :)
  • I am also sort of new, and am making the renewed effort to take care of myself so that I can be around for a long time to take care of others that I love! Thinking about 30ish pounds, but will reassess the big goal as needed. I too am looking for some MFP friends.

    I may not post everyday, but I will check in to read what others write often!
  • tracyburkee
    tracyburkee Posts: 51 Member
    Hello, im not new, but I like the extra motivation and support from people!!!! Feel free to add me!!!! I'm an active logger and I give good feedback!!!!
  • Congrats. Just getting into the gym is a huge step. Getting into a routine will be the next hurdle. It's hard work, but worth it. Feel free to add me if you like. Good luck.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I'm new to this also and have around 50lbs to lose plus but taking small steps as don't want a quick fix need a permanent one!
    you need to make working out eating healthy a part of your every day life. It really is a lifestyle change....

    Feel free to add me ...
  • Same deal as you. Joined gym today. Ready to loose 20 lbs. New outlook and overall habit change. Good luck !
    Hoping we can inspire each other. =}
  • Hi! My name is Daliah. This is my third day as a member of MFP. I would like to add you as a friend and anyone else who would like an extra supporter, please add me! :D
  • selig0730
    selig0730 Posts: 509 Member
    thats great that you started the not new and started the gym last november but i remember where you were last year and its a journey you cant go by yourself so you can add me if you want.
  • I am new on here too :)
    But I am not new to dieting. So far I have lost 48 pounds, and have 46 left to go to be at a lower "healthy" range for me. Technically I have 16 to go so I wont be over weight :)
    I hate how hard it is to loose weight though!
  • MrDelts
    MrDelts Posts: 209 Member
    Congrats on joining the gym! One of the main messages I try to get across to all of my clients is to try not to be too intimidated by the gym, especially if you're new to it. Think of it this way.. Every single person you see in the gym, even the ones that are in the greatest shape, all had to have a first day at the gym. A day when everything was foreign to them. Nobody came out of the womb bench pressing and running on treadmills. Now do what they did and blast through that first day and get many others under your belt. Good Luck!!! Feel free to ask for any help you may need.
  • Great first step in joining the gym. Good luck! Sounds like you hane been here before.
  • Same deal as you. Joined gym today. Ready to loose 20 lbs. New outlook and overall habit change. Good luck !
    Hoping we can inspire each other. =}