i need tips

ok i still dont completely get this program and i only have til may to get into a cute graduation dress. they dont make good dresses in plus sizes and not only that but i want to live a healthier life so i can live long. I need advise on how to lose weight by may!


  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    * Log every morsel of food that goes into your mouth. You'll be amazed at how many calories you were eating before versus how many calories you should be eating in order to drop a little weight!

    * Don't go over or under on calories. Try to stick pretty close to your limit as given by MFP. (Reasonable to me = 100 +/-.)

    * Get in ALL 8 glasses (8 ounces each) of water!! It helps to make you feel more full and it's beneficial for your entire body.

    * Try to exercise. If you already don't, start small. Walking is plenty fine as beginner exercise. Don't overdo it and jump in like you've been a track star if you never run. Start small and build up. It will happen quickly.

    * Find a group here and join. Accountability to others, as well as support and encouragement helps!

    * Make MFP your browser homepage. It's a constant reminder to eat right and live more healthy!

    * Set short term, smaller goals. If you need to lose 100lbs, that is a hard number to attain! Set a 10lbs weight goal first and see how quickly you reach that, then do another 10. Meeting goals is encouraging!

    * Find what healthy foods you LIKE to eat. Don't force yourself to eat low cal garbage you can't stand. Learn that this is a healthier lifestyle. After a while, it comes naturally to realize pizza is a rare "treat", not a normal weekly dinner. (Then again, make your own pizzas and it CAN be a nightly treat!)

    * Plan your meals. Plan a week's worth of meals. Don't allow yourself to figure out what you want to eat last minute or you'll be too hungry to think clearly!!

    Good luck and welcome to MFP!!!!
  • Chenoachem
    Chenoachem Posts: 1,758 Member
    Keep to your calories
    If you change something, give it at least 2 weeks to see if it works
    CARDIO workouts are the most important

    Good Luck.
  • thekauz
    I,ve tried them all,

    Cut your carbs, especially grains and sugars anything with white flour and any white root veggies.. You will steadily lose wait if you keep the carbs way down. I know it gets people piss off when I say this but treating yourself to "bad " foods once in awhile is not a good idea. Anyone can deal with hunger for a year or so and lose weight but you cannot stay hungry your whole life and keep the weight off. Drop the carbs in a big way and watch the weight disappear and the hunger pangs you used to get will be 98% gone. You'll still get a normal appetite during the times you normally uses to eat , but don't fill that need with a carb rich treat.

    I started at 293 am down to 241. I have a heart condition and a few other medical problems and all have gotten better or disappeared. My cardiologist is amazed and I got him reading " Good Carbs, Bad Carbs" too

    Read the book " Good Carbs, Bad Carbs" and prepare to have your eyes opened! it should be at your local library.
  • AidaR
    AidaR Posts: 28 Member
    Hey there,

    I've tried so many diets, had personal trainers, ate nothing but cottage cheese (yeah gross I know LOL) had my best friend who is a trainer do work out and nutrition plans for me and nothing really worked and it's all because I couldn’t stick to the plan.. I gave up on even trying for a while and that's when my weight just blew up over 160lbs (I’ve been 120-125lbs my whole life and I'm 5'7") .I decided to try a weight loss clinic and that has been working out for me. I was placed on 1000-1100 cal diet, I write down everything I eat, get accurate cal count from my notes on MFP and do interval training 4-5days/week for 30 mins. I was given appetite suppressants and I see a doc once a week to get weighted in, he goes over my food journal to make sure that I’m following the program. I think the fact that I have someone check up on me and get on my case is helping me better then doing it on my own. I'm not saying you should go see a doc tomorrow but have someone (friend, boyfriend, family member) monitor you and your eating habits might help you and push you more then doing it on your own. Hope that helps dear and best of luck on your goal...