New..AGAIN, but want change forever!

Finally was ready to face the scale tonight and make my health a priority. Have gained the 40 lbs. I lost over a year ago. Really see now how I have used food to cope. My mom was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in January and has had surgery and chemo. Her scans are clear now and I feel like I am clear-headed now. Had started to gain before my mom was sick but once that happened I lost all control. I hurt my back in June while cleaning my classroom and completed physical therapy for that about 2 weeks ago. The back doctor encouraged me today to exercise. So, here I go.... Who's with me? Looking for a support network and also if anyone is local--bergen county, nj area who would like to walk please add me as a friend.


  • iheartcamandkin
    Glad all is well with your mom now. I am ready to encourage and join you on this journey! Add me if you'd like.