Confession: I had a total meltdown for dinner. :*(

Lot of anxiety today and had a total meltdown at dinner time. Wife and I just decided to order chinese and before that I pigged out on cookies. I don't feel too terrible about it but I wish I had just eaten the 6oz. of lean steak and vegetables I was planning on eating. Why couldn't I have just eaten the healthy stuff I was going to eat? I've been doing so good. I think maybe part of the problem is that yesterday I ate like 500 something calories because I passed out before I could eat dinner after chasing around three kids all day because my wife was taking care of the fourth. I think maybe the stress of having our newborn who is 5 weeks premature on top of all of the normal stresses we live under just made stuffing myself seem like the quick fix I needed. Tomorrow is the third workout of week four of c25k and I'll be hitting the road early. Well, this is my confession. Thank God for MFP; without this place I would probably let this incident be a breaking point and just throw all my progress away. That's how I know that MFP is going to work for me. It let's me regain control as quickly as I lost it.


  • JRaeZins
    JRaeZins Posts: 171 Member
    Your last line is the truth of the matter: MFP helps you regain control. Good luck with all the things that you have going in your life and don't be too hard on yourself :)
  • DinoDecoy
    DinoDecoy Posts: 17 Member
    Sorry for all the stressful things! Although one bad day isn't going to ruin all your hard work. Yes, it's a little annoying and upsetting, but you've come this far! We all have bad days, but don't let it be a bad week, month, or etc. Don't beat yourself up too much. Keep your head up and know that there are people out there supporting you. Put all the energy into your workout tomorrow and get back on track, make sure not to over do it though. c:
  • smhammons
    smhammons Posts: 115 Member
    Awesome with an attitude like that you will hit your gaol. :smile:
  • katrinkap
    katrinkap Posts: 443 Member
    its totally fine. what you do, go to bed... sleep it off and get up tomorrow and have a great workout.. i have anxiety too and i'm having a health scare right now, but i'm trying my best to stay focused and working out and eating as clean as possible... plus i have a few awesome friends on here that i can say, are actually my closest friends. if you want to, add me. i'm always up for talking and cheering others on!!
  • emtjmac
    emtjmac Posts: 1,320 Member
    Thanks guys. <3
  • ohmariposa
    ohmariposa Posts: 372 Member
    Every day is a new day! Sorry there is so much stress going on in your life right now. Exercise really will help... Chin up , you can do this!
  • diva7531
    diva7531 Posts: 20 Member
    We all have those days. I had cake and pizza as it was my triplets first birthday. After they went to bedi did Zumba to make myself feel better. But haven't worked out in 4 days due to DH and all 4 kids being sick. Best thing to do is forgive yourself and start a good day tomorrow. Have a great day.
  • BonJody
    BonJody Posts: 25 Member
    Sorry, but I literally laughed out loud when I saw this topic. Not because I'm a jerk (or at least I think not). Rather, I just did the same exact thing! Hello, Mr. Misery. You have company.

    I had 800-plus calories during my dinner meltdown. Most of it was pretty healthy stuff, just too much of it. But I did have some Nutella after we made grilled Nutella sandwiches in the George Foreman for our kids. And I tried a banana ice cream recipe I saw on this site earlier today. Technically, I guess I had my dessert with dinner, but I didn't really stop eating so it all felt like one big meal.

    I've been eating six smaller meals a day since June, so I feel absolutely stuffed.

    I'll hit the treadmill for about an hour later today, including some interval walking/jogging/running (I follow Bill Phillips' Transformation program) for 25 minutes and then some brisk walking. That will burn off about 600 calories.

    But still. I need to make sure to not repeat this incident. Guess we can just learn from tonight and get back at it starting ... NOW!

    Good luck!
  • BonJody
    BonJody Posts: 25 Member
    P.S. Good luck with the newborn child! Our fourth is due in November. Three is already a handful, so it's going to get wild in our house, too.
  • Mendelianparakeets
    Same thing happened to me today.:(

    I hardly ate anything yesterday because I was so tired and stressed out about my work load. Of course, today, I end up starving and I ate two large slices of pizza for lunch. Luckily, I whipped myself back into shape for dinner and did a hell lot of walking, but I still felt I failed myself after doing so well for so long.

    Happy to hear you are motivated to get back on track, though. That's the great thing about a community like this.:)
  • future_rockstar
    future_rockstar Posts: 711 Member
    I'm sorry to hear your life is so stressful just now, especially with your youngest one. I can understand the "bad decision" you made. However, tomorrow is a new day, you can get yourself back on track. You weren't planning to just sit around thinking about what you had to eat, but had the motivation to get up and hit the treadmill. You can do day at a time :)
  • deadmittens
    deadmittens Posts: 536 Member
    It's okay to have those kinds of days. I have them all the time and I've still lost a lot of weight :D
  • EricC7788
    EricC7788 Posts: 102 Member
    Same here... this is happening all too frequently to me. I just cant get back on track! :grumble:
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Well done for not letting one dinner break you!
    I've decided that the key to staying healthy is accepting that sometimes you'll make a bad choice, but that it's not worth losing sleep over, the only thing you can do is to keep on logging and make the next meal a better one.
  • emtjmac
    emtjmac Posts: 1,320 Member
    It's okay to have those kinds of days. I have them all the time and I've still lost a lot of weight :D

    It's good to hear that someone who has lost 100+ pounds had bad days along the way to. Makes me feel like I can do this. Thanks! :)
  • Michelle61361
    These days are bound to are making good progress so don't be hard on yourself. Just get back on it tomorrow. I am new to this but it seems like there is much support here. I am sure that I will have a down day or two (or three...) as I start this journey. Stay strong, friend! This can be done!:smile:
  • foleyshirley
    foleyshirley Posts: 1,043 Member
    That's why it is a lifestyle change, not a diet. Life is going to throw you curveballs :). It is constantly changing. Just keep doing the best you can do. Good luck!
  • mamaomefo
    mamaomefo Posts: 418 Member
    Bless you, MFP will help you win the battle! Congratulations on the newborn! Having a premie is very stressful. Both my children were premies, one five weeks early and one 3 months early! I know how you are feeling . This is one of the most stressful events you will experience. Just take things one day at a time. If you have a bad food day today, just regroup and start fresh tomorrow! Stay the course. Best wishes to you and your family!
  • MorganLeighRN
    MorganLeighRN Posts: 411 Member
    Sorry for all the stressful things! Although one bad day isn't going to ruin all your hard work. Yes, it's a little annoying and upsetting, but you've come this far! We all have bad days, but don't let it be a bad week, month, or etc. Don't beat yourself up too much. Keep your head up and know that there are people out there supporting you. Put all the energy into your workout tomorrow and get back on track, make sure not to over do it though. c:

    ^^This! Take this as a learning experience! Life happen and we all fall off at some point. I used to be a stress eater but I have learned how to control it. It took time for that. One night isn't going to ruin everything. Think about all of the good things that are in your life! You have beautiful children and a baby that is home with you! Again, don't beat yourself up over it, it happens.
  • CampKelly
    CampKelly Posts: 172 Member
    Gosh wouldn't it be great if we could be perfect all the time :ohwell:
    But we can't ...that's called "life" we move on, drink a lot of water and look forward to a better tomorrow!