Anyone else argue with the negative voice in their head?



  • atxdee
    atxdee Posts: 613 Member
    haha yea
  • Go1096
    Go1096 Posts: 83 Member
    YEP! every moment of the day it seems.

    When I know I have to work out-- the ego says " why bother? you are not going to get it done by your birthday".
    When I am trying to eat healthy, " just a few fries, it won't kill ya" <---it won today damn it.
    When I lay in bed before I fall asleep it's the loudest...." go in the kitchen and grab that last eclair It's meant for you...otherwise it would have been gone already!" I didn't listen that time.

    I can't seem to get it to shut up. but I love to prove it wrong. When I go for my walk- I say" just to the end of the block" and then keep talking myself into another until I get 2 miles in. :)

    eating, Today I tried a trick that worked ----I went into the kitchen and went to grab something. I stopped and looked at my stomach and asked are you hungry? Nope not that hungry...I'll do dishes instead.

    I know I am so weird. lol
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    All the time... I tell it to shut up, I argue, I ignore, I talk back, I drown it out...

    Perfectly abnormal!
  • Go1096
    Go1096 Posts: 83 Member
    My voices go around and around so much inside my head that I count all that activity towards my exercise and calories burned.

    lmao! I should too!
  • alie001
    alie001 Posts: 59 Member
    I have full on you are not the only one
  • gogojodee
    gogojodee Posts: 1,243 Member
    yes i do to.. its like having multiple personalities and not being able to shut them up.. lol..

    This!! Haha. Oh the struggle.
  • I_wanna_live
    I_wanna_live Posts: 227 Member
    oh, you mean the one that says... "bite would be good right about now?" Nope... though the other negative voice, that says, "You are useless, no one wants you, you will never amount to... " that one... yes.... some days I win... others it does :(
  • Yes. This morning especially. The conversation is going something like this:

    Negative Me: Want ice cream for breakfast.

    Positive Me: No, that's a bad idea.

    Negative Me: Ice creeeeeeaaaaaammmmmm!

    Positive Me: No.

    Negative Me: But you've been a good boy. You deserve a treat.

    Positive Me: Well, maybe...

    Negative Me: There is no maybe. There is only ice cream. And cake. Want cake too.

    Positive Me: We don't have any ice cream or cake.

    Negative Me: We live in civilised society with 24 hour shops.

    Positive Me: I suppose I could get dressed and walk to the shops. At least I'd burn some of the calories that way.

    Negative Me: There is no walking! Get in car, drive, get ice cream and cake faster. Faster is better. More time to eat more.

    Positive Me: No. Ice cream and cake for breakfast is stupid.

    Negative Me: You're stupid. Ice cream and cake is good breakfast, happy breakfast, yes.

    Positive Me: This is exactly how we got fat in the first place.

    Negative Me: Fat is not bad. Worked hard to get fat.You going to throw away all that hard work and commitment?

    Positive Me: Go away. I'm going to go lift some weights.

    Negative Me: Buy many pounds of ice cream and cake. Lift with spoon to mouth. Repeatedly. Tasty exercise.

    Positive Me: Noooooooooooooooo!

    And so on and so on...

  • NiqueKristan
    NiqueKristan Posts: 152 Member
    Yes. This morning especially. The conversation is going something like this:

    Negative Me: Want ice cream for breakfast.

    Positive Me: No, that's a bad idea.

    Negative Me: Ice creeeeeeaaaaaammmmmm!

    Positive Me: No.

    Negative Me: But you've been a good boy. You deserve a treat.

    Positive Me: Well, maybe...

    Negative Me: There is no maybe. There is only ice cream. And cake. Want cake too.

    Positive Me: We don't have any ice cream or cake.

    Negative Me: We live in civilised society with 24 hour shops.

    Positive Me: I suppose I could get dressed and walk to the shops. At least I'd burn some of the calories that way.

    Negative Me: There is no walking! Get in car, drive, get ice cream and cake faster. Faster is better. More time to eat more.

    Positive Me: No. Ice cream and cake for breakfast is stupid.

    Negative Me: You're stupid. Ice cream and cake is good breakfast, happy breakfast, yes.

    Positive Me: This is exactly how we got fat in the first place.

    Negative Me: Fat is not bad. Worked hard to get fat.You going to throw away all that hard work and commitment?

    Positive Me: Go away. I'm going to go lift some weights.

    Negative Me: Buy many pounds of ice cream and cake. Lift with spoon to mouth. Repeatedly. Tasty exercise.

    Positive Me: Noooooooooooooooo!

    And so on and so on...


    LMAO that is hilarious!!! Your negative side is very convincing.
  • NiqueKristan
    NiqueKristan Posts: 152 Member
    Thanks everyone for sharing- we are not alone and we can conquer our negative sides (;
  • cherrym03
    cherrym03 Posts: 26 Member
    Yesss, I always battle the negative voice that says "why bother? no one likes you anyway". Sometimes I manage to ignore it, but sometimes it wins (usually when I'm upset or angry and just want to stuff my face with food, lol)

    Funny thing is, after I eat the "forbidden fruit", the same voice comes again and nags me, this time telling me "look what you've done now, you ruined your day with this crap you just ate!"

    I hate the way my stupid mind works *eyeroll*
  • Mine, when they're being naughty say: who cares? You're married and you're 43, why do you have to look good? Or worse, picking on a particular part of my body that I really am unhappy with and saying, no matter how slim/fit you get, you'll always have terrible ________. Despite others complimenting me, praising my hard work and dedication and changes I've made (dropping over 5st), they still don't mean as much as the voice that says, "Hey, fatty, you're disgusting!"

  • ghostly voice : "Eaaaattttt chocoooolaaaate"
    me: b**** <depressingly eating carrot sticks>

    ghostly voice : " screeeeew 30ds"
    jilianmicheals : "Don't you dare switch off that dvd now" <gulp...okay>

    ghostly voice : "you loooook gooood naaaaked noooow"
    me: <facepalm>
  • So I'm not insane. I have 3 voices.

    One of them is constantly giving me excuses to give up on life because of how pointless death makes life seem. That's one of the keypoints to my downfall, the other one is my pure laziness thanks to computers.

    One of them is debating my mental state because I have a devil and angel on each shoulder sorta thing.

    One of them tells me I might aswell live life the best I can and enjoy the experience, because it's here.

    For 2 years my badside always wins the battles. It went from pure laziness to a crappile of excuses, some of them that actually turned out to be real problems. I'm glad the good side finally was able to win a battle and now my mindset is focused on the experience rather then giving up.
  • rosecando
    rosecando Posts: 33 Member
    Man- after reading this im normal too:devil: Thats one voice (the one that loves overdosing on cake and cookies)
    and :flowerforyou:- That says Im worth it,iv got a good programme now (mfp) and support, Iv just got to let the good voice talk louder.

    Iv saying on my fridge - WHAT GOES INTO A MIND- SHOWS UP IN A LIFE.:smile:
  • ClairBears84
    ClairBears84 Posts: 531 Member
    YEP! every moment of the day it seems.

    When I know I have to work out-- the ego says " why bother? you are not going to get it done by your birthday".
    When I am trying to eat healthy, " just a few fries, it won't kill ya" <---it won today damn it.
    When I lay in bed before I fall asleep it's the loudest...." go in the kitchen and grab that last eclair It's meant for you...otherwise it would have been gone already!" I didn't listen that time.

    I can't seem to get it to shut up. but I love to prove it wrong. When I go for my walk- I say" just to the end of the block" and then keep talking myself into another until I get 2 miles in. :)

    eating, Today I tried a trick that worked ----I went into the kitchen and went to grab something. I stopped and looked at my stomach and asked are you hungry? Nope not that hungry...I'll do dishes instead.

    I know I am so weird. lol

    That sounds like me! Love it!
  • Yup! PRATICALLY EVERYDAY!!!!! It nags at you but I don´t give up....although sometimes I really feel like it!!!!!
    I just push forward and ignore the worse in me!
  • All the time... I tell it to shut up, I argue, I ignore, I talk back, I drown it out...

    Perfectly abnormal!

    Strangle that voice!
  • Ohh yes I am not going mad, I am so glad I have friends
  • cm1458
    cm1458 Posts: 742 Member
    I get that voice every day. I hate it. I have given in to it way too many times but I've been finding other things to keep me busy and keep my mind off it. Lately, If Its telling me not to exercise, If i can, I go exercise right then. If it's telling me to eat something bad or go into a binge, I go outside or start thinking about all the reasons I have NOT to eat whatever it is. Or do some yoga (it's really helped me calm my nerves from all the stress lately). I also set a small goal. Mine is "10 more pounds by Halloween" and so far its been pretty motivating! :flowerforyou: