Skeese Greets Women's Tri - May 16th, 2010

Calling all ladies in the mid-Texas area!! The 4th annual Skeese Greets Triathlon (Sprint length) is commin up for it 4th annual event! Located in San Marcos, TX, it's easi to get to, whether you are from San Antonio or Austin!.

Distances: 300 meter swim, 11.1 mile bike ride, 2 mile run

I start training after Jan 1st and am located in the NE area of San Antonio. If anyone who is in TX and interested in joining in on the training sessions, let me know!

And even if you aren't here in TX.... I highly recommend finding a "short" tri. They are a great way to set and accomplish a goal!

Good luck to all of you!!



  • amicklin
    amicklin Posts: 452
    Where can I find information on this?! I am VERY interested in going for this! Although, I am in Fort Worth...
  • mavsfan2009
    mavsfan2009 Posts: 261 Member
    I'm in Dallas and that sounds AWESOME...BUT I'm also starting my marathon training...the sprint tri may be a bad idea.
  • Ileanak
    Ileanak Posts: 343 Member
    go to www dot trifind dot com /TX.html. You can search by month

    for the Skeese Greets, just google it, the website will be first up!

    For you DFW's, there are a couple du's or tri's commin up!!!

    Feb 21st TX Motor Speedway Duathlon (Run 2mi, Bike 15 miles, Run 2 miles)
    Apr 25th CaveMan Tri (Flowermound) (Swim 275 yards, Bike 13, Run 5k)
    June 6th PlayTri Festival, Irving/Marriott Las Colinas
    Sprint length (Swim 500 meters , Bike 12 miles, Run 5k)
    First tri length (Swim 300 meters, bike 12 miles, Run 2 miles)

    I highly encourage it!

    My mantra is " I'm a complet-er, not a compete-er"

    Good luck!
