Cookies,cakes,and nightmere! lol

How do you guys deal with it in the beggining?! I guess ive never had a start before because ive always eaten really healthy (because i never had the junk...never had it never wanted it) Well now ive had it, i love it, i eat way too much of it...just take a look at my new butt that came with it haha. Anyway its a real struggle to not eat the junk...maybe a couple days then its like i gotta have it. Unfortuantly im not in my own home and wont be for about a month and ive been here for about 4 months and gained 20lbs...i really need to get back on it!


  • amazing_shrinking_woman
    All things in moderation. I never stopped eating the foods I love, I just learned what a portion size is and made sure I had the calories to cover it. In the begining hersey's hugs were my best friend because i could fit it into my calorie goal easy AND if you don't chew them they take a while to melt, so it calmed my cravings for a longer amount of time.
  • bulbadoof
    bulbadoof Posts: 1,058 Member
    If you don't have a problem with binge eating, you don't have cut it completely out of your diet. I devote about 20% of my daily calories to whatever I'm craving and the other 80% to healthy, satisfying food. Losing and feeling great without giving up the ice cream. :bigsmile:
  • witchy_wife
    witchy_wife Posts: 792 Member
    If you don't have a problem with binge eating, you don't have cut it completely out of your diet. I devote about 20% of my daily calories to whatever I'm craving and the other 80% to healthy, satisfying food. Losing and feeling great without giving up the ice cream. :bigsmile:

    ^^ exactly this. I know that there are just some things I can't eat 1 or 2 of. So I have to cut it out. After a little while I don't even crave it anymore. But it's just that I know myself and I can't stop at 1 or 2.

    For other things such as ice cream, I like it as a treat. I try and eat healthier in the day if I know I am going to have some, but some days it might be unplanned. But I still have it, I just might have a smaller portion.

    I think it's important to include things that you really like and want occasionally and not just the things you have to eat. So unless you have a real problem with some things like I mentioned above just have a little of what you fancy every now and again.

    I find it also helps me to buy portioned treats. Like the weight watchers cookies for example here in the UK come in individually wrapped 2 packs. I will eat that and be fine, but if I had a packet of biscuits on the side with say 10 in, I would find it harder to stop at 2. It's crazy how my mind works at times lol.